Get Ready! It's Coming!

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May 4, 2010
Look, we keep trying to tell them that they need to address the mental health issue 'cause "Gun Control" isn't the answer. We can try & try until we're blue in the face. They're never gonna abandon their stance that: We have to keep "these individuals" from gaining access to these "High-Power Assault Weapons."
And of course the only thing it'll accomplish is denying us the access to any and all firearms.

Make no mistake about it...they are coming for our Arms.
They've been coming since Hoover! Stand tall, remind all that no one ever got shot with your firearms, and politely tell them to bug off.
We have plenty of threads running with this sentiment already. Do we really need another separate thread on it?
remind all that no one ever got shot with your firearms, and politely tell them to bug off.

I have plenty of milsurp guns. I can't really say that with any level of certainty! I can say nobody has been shot with them while in my possession.
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