Getting a friend interested in hunting?

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Oct 14, 2008
My buddy and I are pretty dedicated grouse hunters and recently invited another friend out with us who was really intrested in hunting and learning to shoot. It was a slow hard hunt lasting roughly 3 hours in which we bagged 2 birds and flushed a 3rd that we ended up losing. Now both my partner and I know hunting is tedious work, especially for grouse. Some days we wont even see a bird. We were happy to see 3 birds let alone be able to down a couple but our friend was getting tired and bored from walking through a foot of snow for 3 hours and not seeing much. I guess he had expected that you would see a bird every 10 min. or so and thats never the case in our area. I tried to explain to him that hunting isnt all about bagging your limit and taking lots of shots but thats exactly what he expected to do. Our best day out we saw 13 birds and downed 9 within a 5 hour span. Thats a stellar day for us. Our friend has shown an interest for hunting and shooting after comming from a family were guns were the devils creation and we want to encourage his interest. Anyone have any ideas as to what we can do to keep him from getting discouraged. We took him for a round of clay shooting and he loved it but I dont know if he's going to want to go hunting with us again.
try hunting something else. a real kick is when you go predator hunting. that man can compete and win over an animal that is far more suited to survival than we are is amazing.
Never done that and dont know the regulations for it. Its not listed anywere in our regulations guide as far as Coyotes. Plus what do you do with them after you shoot them? We dont have a licence for the hides or anything like that. Im in northern Ontario Canada btw.
Ahh...Canada...can't help you with regulations on that one. The state I am from, Indiana, does not require a license to hut specified predators. What you do with the animal after you shoot it can vary. Many people simply bury them somewhere. While that may be a waste, they are considered a nuisance animal at this point, so it's better than letting them feast on cattle. Personally, I skin them. I don't know about the fur trade in Canada, sorry...
Christ.. I never even thought of that. Never been myself and I'd love to give it a go too.
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