Girls and Boys, Meet Nature. Bring Your Gun.

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nfl1990, I merely provided a few examples of those who were pro-2A. I believe you'd find that more of them were pro-2A in a setting outside of school. Just like the liberal indoctrination camps they attended (college), some public high schools are also socialist training centers, as surely you are aware. And as such, many pro-2A teachers keep a low profile. Setting often determines this. A rural Wisconsin school, for example, will often be closed the Monday after deer opener, but even mention deer hunting in many Madison schools, and taunts of "Bambi killer" and such will often ensue. BTW, a majority is 51% or more; most would be a sweeping generalization. Often a vast difference. ;) A stereotype can be (and unfortunately often is) formed from observation of a small random sample of a set or subset. A good example of this, to stay on topic, would be the actions of a few slob hunters creating an image in the minds of the majority of people of hunters as a group. 99%+ of hunters do not fit this image, yet the >1% that do are what the general public thinks of when they hear the word "hunter".
I think you make some excellent points, espeicially about how a school setting, espeacialy in the area I live could be the reason many teachers hide there views on such issues.
Thank you for bring up these points, it showed me a differant way to look at this.
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