Giving advice to someone looking for a first semi-auto pistol

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My standard recommend for 1st pistol: S&W .357, shoots .38s economically and gets them into it w/o the overwhelming aspects of semi-auto. ops.. My .02.
I would suggest a Glock. A .22 would also be a good choice. I think the Beretta is too complicated for a first time shooter and I think a DAO gun would be a better choice to teach someone on.

But as far as training your girlfriend, let a professional do that. It is better if the trainer does not have a personal relationship with the person they are training. It complicates things and it does have the possibility of harming the relationship.
As to GF I've trained her on using my 1858 Remington conversion but she has yet to fire it. You might be right about letting someone else do it. I've trained a lot of soldiers in various weapons, but in that role I had to be very authoritorian and Sergeant-like. That kind of tone might be bad for home-life.
Glock 9mm. 17,19,26. Putting mercury in the tip of ammo? Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200
I just helped someone pick out his first pistol today. Because of his two small children I recommended a S&W auto and picked out a 5906 because of the external safety and the magazine disconnect. The price point was also a good point. He's quite new to guns along with his wife but their daughter I've taken to the range a few times so she could show him the ropes till will we can all go shooting.
explain WHY you kike certain things
and more importantly why you DON'T like certain things

and let them try, and find out what they like and what they don't,
and what they can shoot well.
Shoot many; buy one. Many ranges offer guns for rent and if your friend is a total neophyte, he/she needs to "try them out". It'll cost a little but it's far better to spend that small amount than to drop several hundred dollars on something you realize later you don't like or can't tolerate.
A 9MM with a .22 conversion kit would be perfect. Any CZ-75 variant will work with their excellent Kadet Kit .22 conversion. Takes about 20 seconds to swap uppers so you basically get to shoot 9MM or .22LR anytime. I switch them at the range all the time.

I know there are conversion units for Glock, 1911, Hi Power, etc so it doesn't have to be restricted to the CZ, but the Kadet is one of the best units going.
Friends dont

Recommend Glocks to friends. If you are going to recommend the best then recommend the Walther P99AS and PPQ in 9mm. They are everything a Glock hopes to become when Glock becomes a mature and competent firearms manufacture. One day Glock will have the competence to turn out a great firearm but right now they are turning out mass produced mediocre ones.

And Glock fan boys if you haven't shot a P99AS or PPQ you really have nothing to say.
And Glock fan boys if you haven't shot a P99AS or PPQ you really have nothing to say.
I owned a P99 for a short while.
I eventually sold it and bought a S&W M&P to go with my Glock.

I never warmed up to the funky magazine release and I have learned that I really don't care for DA/SA pistols.
The P99 is a good pistol overall, but nothing special....certainly nothing better than a Glock or an M&P or an XD.
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