God Almighty, things were just getting back to normal - run on .223/5.56

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Aug 22, 2013
Apologies if I am repeating other threads or this is in the wrong place, but I've come late to this "party" even though it's only been going on for a week or so.

I understand that the BATF in its "wisdom" is proposing to remove the exception for ONE type of 5.56 ammo; the so-called green-tip 62 grain type; forgive me for forgetting the nomenclature, this old brain is not what it was.

If that is correct and notwithstanding that fact if true, folks are stripping the local emporia of ALL .223 and 5.56 - it looks as bad as late December 2012.

Questions - am I correct as to what BATF is doing? Are other, saner parts of the country experiencing this same phenomenon? I know that here at the epicenter of the post-Sandy Hook apocalypse, we legal gun owners have hair-trigger panic reflexes at the first whiff of any new regulation, but is it happening elsewhere as well?

I swear, sometimes I just think I should concentrate on revolvers and bolt -actions, as I grow wearier and wearier at this sort of drama. I resist this urge, understanding that incremental harassment is central to the plan of the Left, but even so....

Thanks all, for listening to my rant.

The word must not have gotten around here in south Louisiana because I was in WalMart last night and there was plenty of .223 ammo, I picked up four boxes Winchester white box.
Thanks for the quick reply sniper - what about 5.56? I'm speaking her of the garden variety and hopefully "non-evil" 55-grain garden variety.
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