Governor vetoes bill requiring all voters to show identification

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
I think they really need a new governor. :barf:

Governor vetoes bill requiring all voters to show identification

PHOENIX - Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoed legislation Friday to bar some people who show up at the polls without identification from voting.

Napolitano said the measure, Senate Bill 1118, is illegal because it violates the federal Help America Vote Act. She said that "could result in properly registered Arizona citizens being denied the right to vote."

Republican Secretary of State Jan Brewer said the Democratic governor is wrong.

She said nothing in federal law requires that anyone who shows up at a poll without identification be given a ballot.

Brewer also accused Napolitano of ignoring the wishes of the more than 1 million Arizonans who voted in November for Proposition 200. Among the provisions of that initiative is a requirement for identification before casting a ballot.

Napolitano, however, said Proposition 200 says only that identification is needed to get a "ballot." She said this new measure would have denied people the opportunity to vote even a "provisional ballot."

Most ballots are put into a ballot box when the voter is finished. Provisional ballots are given to those who show up at the polls and say they are registered but whose legal status to vote is uncertain.

The procedure has been to keep these ballots separate and return them to county election offices at the end of the evening. If the signature on the ballot matches the one on file, the vote is counted.

SB 1118 was actually created to broaden Proposition 200. In February, Attorney General Terry Goddard, a Democrat, ruled the voter ID provision of Proposition 200 was illegal and unenforceable.

SB 1118 said provisional ballots would be made available only to those whose names were on the official poll list but who did not have the types of identification mandated under Proposition 200. But those people would still be required to show some other proof of identity, such as copies of birth certificates.

Napolitano said no one should be denied the right to vote, even by provisional ballot, simply because he or she might have forgotten some ID. She said this law would harm many people, including seniors who don't have drivers' licenses.

Brewer's assertion that Napolitano is acting contrary to Proposition 200 is disputed by Kathy McKee, who helped craft the measure and organized the petition drive.

McKee said the initiative deliberately did not alter existing state laws, which permit anyone who shows up at the polls to get a provisional ballot.
The Democrats are good at this. In Chicago they get the graveyard vote, the dog vote, the cat vote ... :evil: :D
I showed ID when I voted in SC, but it doesn't take a genius to know that some people don't have driver's licenses or other practical and acceptable means of identification. Arizona should have a voter registration card with picture and signature. I understand from John McCain's comments (R-AZ) that they passed on that option in favor of a national ID card initiative (his), going after their illegal immigration problems at the same time.

In other words, I think the Governor's veto was well considered, more sensible than the legislature.
Can one of you from AZ sign me up to vote too?

Heck, you can do it yourself. Just show up at the polling place of your choice, pretend to speak no English and have no identification, and one of the kindly representatives of the Democratic (sic) party will be glad to count your vote a few dozen times.
Is the AZ governor related to the Judge Napolitano that subs for O'Riley and is on Fox news? If so then there is a lot of difference between the two.
Though I had no prior knowledge about the Governor of Arizona or his/her party affiliation, I proceeded with a guess that only a Democrat would veto this kind of legislation.

..... Well, surprise, surprise.

Ok, so what's my prize for guessing this right? (a Democrat President in '08 elected by a handfull of Democrat votes in Arizona? )
This issue belongs to both the Dems and the Repubs. They're both willing to sell us all out for any vote they can get. They no longer care about our country, only winning the corporate money.
In February, Attorney General Terry Goddard, a Democrat, ruled the voter ID provision of Proposition 200 was illegal and unenforceable.

Um, I might be mistaken, but isn't the job of the AG to enforce the laws, and leave deciding their legality to the state courts?
Obviously the Governor doesn't know that her state issues a photo ID. Seniors without driver's licenses can get a state ID card.

Grasping at straws, saying anything to get her position to slide (or slime) by.

AZ is a predominently red state. Hope Ya'll are successful in voting her onto unemployment next time around!
The Dems seem to be the only ones using their governors to veto these measures. Here in Georgia, the same kind of legislation that Napolitano vetoed was signed into law by our governor Sonny Perdue over the howls and squeals of the Democratic libs in the general assembly. So, I guess getting these bills passed really depends on whose governor.
Just protecting her voter base, I would assume.

I showed ID when I voted in SC, but it doesn't take a genius to know that some people don't have driver's licenses or other practical and acceptable means of identification.

Can't you get a state ID? I know here, my brothers (both too young for a driver's license at the time) got one before they flew on an airplane. Looks just like a drivers license, except it doesn't say Operator License on it.
Think that many people misunderstand ...

Our Gov. wants people that don't have I.D. to be able to vote because she thinks it's likely such "voters" will support the candidates in her party (Democrat). While it's not a sure thing, most Republican and Independent voters will show up with a driver's licence.
Actually there's two issues here. Proving U.S. citizenship so that you can legally vote, and then proving your identity to vote. I'd like to see the voting commissions require proof of citizenship to issue voters' I.D. Then you prove who you are at election time. :banghead:
I don't have to show ID to vote. Just fill out a piece of paper with my name and they check it against the poll list. I wonder what would happen if I showed up to vote and my name was checked off, meaning someone voted using my name. Is that when provisional ballots kick in? (it has not happened yet)

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