Great weekend

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Jan 13, 2007
Howdy all, just thought I would share my weekend with y'all. First off went to the Sportsmans show that was ok. BUT then went to a gun shop and found what I have been searching for. A nice 629-4, 4". Took me all of 3 seconds to bite on that one. My first revolver, I'm thrilled to say the least. Fast forward to Sunday, my Son had his 7th b-day party. After all the other ankle biters were gone he got his gift from Dad. A nice older Stevens .22 rifle I bought not long ago. He was excited to say the least, after watching all kinds of hunting shows with dad and watching me cruise the net for a nice .44 he wanted his own gun. We took him out that evening and set up some of his party bolloons after some talk on safety etc.... That little bugger shot out all the balloons!!!!:neener: He was so excited it dang near brought tears to mine own eyes. I felt such satisfaction at that point, I'm sure many of you can relate as well. My satisfaction was not even tempered when I failed to hit the balloons with my first two shots. Oh well it's been many a year since I last shot much with a handgun.
I do have a question though. I remember seeing a post somewhere (here?) about a larger sized fanny pack type rig that doubled as a day pack and a carry for a revo. I have searched and can't remember the name of it. Can any of you help? This is going to be used to carry when out on long extended hikes in the woods. Thanks for your help and sharing in my fun.
A memory he wont forget. As the years pass it wont be the gift he remembers as much as the time spent shooting with Dad. With the law change here last year I was able to take my 10 year old squirrel hunting for the first time. It was great. I let him carry a break open single shot and kept the ammo with me til we found them. Its hard to describe but he seems alot more responsible since that day. I dont remember how many i got but he got one by himself and helped on another.
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