Green Mountain not at Dixons?

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Jun 15, 2007
A bit right of Philly
I was up at Dixon's at the fair this past weekend and
considering building (stocking for you purists) a new gun.
I didn't act but was looking at components and noticed
that he wasn't stocking Green Mountain barrels anymore.
He had Colerain and Rice in stock and Rice had a prominent
booth but no Green Mountain as before.

Chuck was too busy to ask about it, so I was was
wondering if any of you guys know what the deal is with
Maybe he wants to help out the smaller custom barrel makers. They take such a long time to build & deliver special orders, while GM barrels are almost universally available on demand.
Plus, most of the custom gunmakers use the custom barrels in their builds maybe due to the round bottom rifling and swamped profile. The holdibility of long barrels on custom guns really benefit from the large variety of swamped profiles of custom barrels, vs. the straight & heavy GM barrel profiles.

Because it takes so long to receive a custom barrel, people are often buy whatever barrel profile & caliber is readily available at the time they are ready to build, unless they're willing to wait (often many months). For GM barrels, that's just not an issue.
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