GSSF info

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Feb 5, 2011
I just got my first Glock the other day. I was reading through my paperwork and saw the GSSF stuff. It looked fun and I planned to join up and maybe compete whenever it was around my area. It just so happens that the next GSSF meet/shoot is next weekend 30 minutes from me! I plan to go but am confused after I read all the info about registration and "strings". Like is there a dollar amount you pay everytime you step up to shoot per each string? Or do you pay once for the events you plan to compete in at the beginning? Recommendations for a newb? I'll be shooting a G23, kinda wishing I had a G19 or 17 now lol
I am a bit confused too. They send you a magazine called The Glock report after you join. It goes over the costs, stages, locations and other info. I want to go to a meet to see how it all works. should of joined then bought the gun. You can get a substantial discount..I paid $465 otd for a Gen 4 19.
Thanks Glock, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'd post on GlockTalk but still waiting for my account to be "approved by an administrator" no telling how long that will take. I didn't even know about GSSF until I bought the gun, but it wasn't too bad. G23, 3 mags, and a range bag for $509
You can't join GSSF then immediately buy a discounted gun. You have to be a member for a year.

How it works is you will go to the match, pay the membership fee then however many entry fees for how ever many divisions you want to shoot (amateur civilian, competition, open, subcompact, etc). You shoot all the stages for each division then do it all again.

I've only been to one, but when I did it I shot amateur civ, then competition back to back on each stage so it went pretty quick.

Biggest advice I can give you is...go slow. The penalties for not hitting the center of the target are stiff compared to the other shooting sports. I know I should have slowed down and got better hits, rather than shoot it like an IDPA or USPSA match.
You can't join GSSF then immediately buy a discounted gun. You have to be a member for a year.

That is not totally true. If you join with a 2 year membership you will immediately get a discount coupon with your membership kit. But you will not get a discount the second year. If you join for a single year you get no coupon but after rejoining the second year you will. Basically, you will get 1 discount coupon either way for the first 2 years.
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