Gun Control Show on Coasttocoast Am tonight

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Oct 5, 2007
behind enemy lines...NO MORE. Made it to Free Ari
This show is great just for sheer entertainment anyway but tonight Georgy Noory's guest is a gun right's advocate. Should be about three hours devoted strictly to guns and specifically ccw from what I can tell from the guest's website.

Coast-to-coast if you don't know is an AM radio program that deals with supernatural or paranormal type subjects. Lately (I listen nightly to help work go by faster) the programming has become very "End of the World" heavy, but along with that, several of the guests have been recommending to callers in to the show to stockpile food, water, firearms, and ammo.

I don't know if this show will get into all that but it should be interesting as always.

It's on late, I believe 2am-5am EST, but if you miss it you can always podcast it I'm sure.
Since I work evenings, Coast to Coast is on while I'm driving home.
There's nothing like driving on a dark, deserted country highway listening to ghost and UFO stories. :uhoh: :eek: :what:
I used to listen quite a bit

when I was driving my cab, sometimes I had to turn the channel because I don't want to listen to some dumb loser claim he is the illegitimate son of Archangel Gabriel or that he is a time traveller .
I am glad that such a widely listened to show will cover this, lets hope
the person presenting our side is informative and interesting.
I guess that while I do my 3rd shift patrol time tonight, I will listen to Coast to Coast instead of the usual alternative, America's Truckin' Network on 700 WLW.
I am so glad i'm not the only one listening to Coast. I heard this station years ago while driving to Houston. I have been a fan ever since.

Sometimes they get off on a tangent but for the most part it is very entertaining. You can find a station near you by going to the website @ I have heard this guy before. You can bet i will listen tonight. I listen every night.
I am so glad i'm not the only one listening to Coast. I heard this station years ago while driving to Houston. I have been a fan ever since.

Sometimes they get off on a tangent but for the most part it is very entertaining. You can find a station near you by going to the website @ I have heard this guy before. You can bet i will listen tonight. I listen every night.
Thanks for the reminder!

I have been a long-time listener; that show is weird, but wicked entertaining, IMHO.

So far as I know, this is the first time that they have ever had a pro-gun rights guest on the air, although both Noory and the great Art Bell make no bones about supporting the right to keep and bear.

Should be a good one.
Did Art Bell used to be the host of Coast to Coast? I remember catching his show years ago when travelling early in the morning to our deer hunting camp. He used to really get some weirdos calling in. A lot of it was based on alien and ghost sightings. I thought it was entertaining at least for a little while, but I'm not sure I could listen to a full three hours. But that's just me.
I too am interested if there is an mp3. I don't listen alot, as that is my bedtime, but I did used to on KFI640 in CA. I have to say I enjoy George Noor alot more than Art Bell. Art always seemed so pessimistic, and "old", that it was tiring listening to him. George Noory always sounds so energetic and enthusiastic, even if he is talking to a complete wacko. At least Art would call people on their stupid claims.
It seems to me that there was another guy who used to fill in for Art, or who might have taken the show over from Art for a little while. His name was Bruce "something". I can't remember. He seemed to provide more entertainment than Art, as well.
I'm clicking all over and can't find if there's a way to stream it live.

None of the stations seem to come in at my house.

EDIT: Nevermind you gotta pay for the streams. Not gonna do without having heard it before.
It costs @ $6.97 or something a month. I paid to join so I could tape a show I missed. It works fine. The only problem is if you want to cancel it you have to respond to a monthly e-mail they send out to do it; if you do nothing, they charge it again on your credit card. Not bad if you like it, but some people don't like that kind of set up.
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