Gun rights case is a first for Supreme Court

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Nov 10, 2006
Kingsport, Tn.
Thia one deserves watching :cuss: :fire: :banghead:

Gun rights case is a first for Supreme Court
Associated Press
WASHINGTON - In a case that could shape firearms laws nationwide, attorneys for the District of Columbia argued Thursday that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies only to militias, not individuals.

The city defended as constitutional its long-standing ban on handguns, a law that some gun opponents have advocated elsewhere. Civil liberties groups and pro-gun organizations say the ban in unconstitutional.

At issue in the case before a federal appeals court is whether the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms applies to all people or only to "a well regulated militia." The Bush administration has endorsed individual gun-ownership rights but the Supreme Court has never settled the issue.

If the dispute makes it to the high court, it would be the first case in nearly 70 years to address the amendment's scope. The court disappointed gun owner groups in 2003 when it refused to take up a challenge to California's ban on assault weapons.

In the Washington, D.C., case, a lower-court judge told six city residents in 2004 that they did not have a constitutional right to own handguns. The plaintiffs include residents of high-crime neighborhoods who want guns for protection.

Courts have upheld bans on automatic weapons and sawed-off shotguns but this case is unusual because it involves a prohibition on all pistols. Voters passed a similar ban in San Francisco last year but a judge ruled it violated state law. The Washington case is not clouded by state law and hinges directly on the Constitution.

"We interpret the Second Amendment in military terms," said Todd Kim, the District's solicitor general, who told the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that the city would also have had the authority to ban all weapons.

"Show me anybody in the 19th century who interprets the Second Amendment the way you do," Judge Laurence Silberman said. "It doesn't appear until much later, the middle of the 20th century."

Of the three judges, Silberman was the most critical of Kim's argument and noted that, despite the law, handguns were common in the District.

Silberman and Judge Thomas Griffith seemed to wrestle, however, with the meaning of the amendment's language about militias. If a well-regulated militia is no longer needed, they asked, is the right to bear arms still necessary?

"That's quite a task for any court to decide that a right is no longer necessary," Alan Gura, an attorney for the plaintiffs, replied. "If we decide that it's no longer necessary, can we erase any part of the Constitution?"
It's gone to the Supreme Court?

Last time I checked (yesterday) it was in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.
Having lived in DC in the 80's I can tell you Washington DC is the case study as to the fact gun prohibition is a failure. Thousands have died because they were unarmed prey for predatory criminals. The ban itself is criminal. Pity you can't hold the idiots who created it 30 years ago legally responsible for the results of their stupidity. Ah, but never judge them on the results....just thier good intentions.......:banghead: :cuss: :fire:
The ban is working, it gives the elite more power.:)

This is not (yet) a Supreme Court case. The DC Circuit will find a way to uphold the ban. Ruling otherwise would undermine the ruling class's hold on the nation's capitol and would destroy their future plans of disarming us.
Court decisions - even those handed down by the SCOTUS - have absolutely nothing to do with the existence of my inalienable rights. So I ignore court decisions as they pertain to my RKBA.

I am the authority on my rights. Not Congress. Not the president. Not the Taco Supreme Court. Not our Founding Fathers. Not Thomas Jefferson. Not John Locke. Me. If a Supreme Court supports my interpretation of my RKBA, then hooray for the Supreme Court. If a Supreme Court disagrees with my RKBA, then the court is wrong, its decision is irrelevant, and I will retain my rights.
IIRC, Scotus in 1939 danced around the issue of individual vs militia(we ARE the militia, BTW) by saying that no military used sawed off shotguns. Most militaries issue pistols. I doubt they will hear this one either.

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