Gun Safes

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Aug 15, 2005
I have gotten to the point where I need to purchase a gun safe.

First off, are there any particular brands that stand out? I have all sorts of firearms, and am looking for a type of "universal" gun safe which can hold various sized weapons from pistols to lengthy rifles.

Second, for those of you who own many firearms, what do you do? Safes I have been looking at so far are quite expensive, and I don't know where I would put 6 or 7 of them without making it look like Fort Knox or something. To give a rough estimate, I plan on acquiring around 30-40weapons (for those of you who are trolling this site to rob people via IP tracing, rob me at the risk of your life). I don't know why someone would search here to rob people knowing that this is a gun affiliated website and all, but most criminals aren't the brightest of people... I know some of you own as many or more weapons than my future total but are wary of advertising it publicly, so if you would PM me as to what you suggest that I do. I would greatly appreciate it. This is quite the conundrum for me.

As far as gun care goes, are there any precautions to take when storing a gun in a safe for extended periods of time (say a month or so) such as preventing moisture build up in the safe or what have you?
I always use the search feature when looking up guns, so I guess it isn't much of a stretch to think I can use it when searching for gun-related objects :banghead: . I amaze myself often, and not in a good way. Close this thread to prevent/minimize redundancy. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sounds to me that you're going to be after a couple 1,100 lb. safes. They had some good looking ones in a cabelas catalog. Looked very cool with that wheel thingy on the front.

I'm happy with mine. Very plain jane looking but very tough. Talk to the owner over the phone and he'll make it all clear. Also a good company to work with as the shipping company damaged the handle and lock and sturdy sent me a new one no charge and no questions -- a small cost but a great service.
I am a housemover by trade and we moved a bank once and the vault installer and I "horse traded" for a real vault. It is a horizontal thing with a motor to raise the door. Have been very pleased with it. There are only two like it anywhere as it has been discontinued forever. I was wanting just a vault door and was going to make my own box but he made me an offer I could not refuse. About your vault location-you will need to shore under the floor to prevent sagging and also I would use stainless steel bolts to secure it to the wall/floor. Stainless steel highly resists cutting torchs and if you weld the nuts on it should be fairly permanent. Mine is on a concrete slab and away from most combustibles in case of fire. I am not advocating this but some people have been known to place a keg of opened powder inside incase theives use cutting torchs. The explosion or fast burning would send a jet of burning gas out the hole. It is an illegal act to booby trap things so do not do it-just saying that some people do. If you are going to spend a grand on a vault why not add a couple hundred more and put in an alarm system.
If you do a search on safes or RSC, you will find a number of posts that myself and another forum expert, CB900F, have commented on. Both of us are professional safe techs which work full time in this business.

I will add this to those who say they have a good safe:

A safe can be designed to do three basic things. It can be fire resistant, burglary resistant, or a combination of both.

Opening and closing the door of a safe tells you no more about how good a safe is, than does opening and closing a car door tell you how good a car is.

Unless you have had your safe burn in a fire, or had a safe burglarized, you won't really know how good of a safe it is.

This is why it's important to discuss your situation with somebody who not only sells safes, but works with them on a regular basis. They have seen the results of fires and burglaries, and can point you in the proper direction based on your individual circumstances.
Mine does what it was intended to do. Keeps my roommates nosy friends from poking around in my business and gives my wife a false sense of security.
Handgun Safe

I'm looking for a safe that holds 3 or more handguns?
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