Gun show "loophole" isn't...

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
From the Roanoke Times, Virginia (

Friday, January 03, 2003
New regulations wouldn't help
Few criminals get weapons at gun shows


REGRETTABLY, state Sen. Henry Marsh, D-Richmond, special-interest lobbyists and even the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police believe - perhaps as strongly as legitimate gun owners believe otherwise - that imposing additional burdensome and unconstitutional regulations on gun show promoters, dealers and ordinary citizens will reduce the number of criminals able to obtain firearms and thereby reduce the rate of gun violence and firearms misuse in our state.

Their conclusion is based on one premise: that criminals often buy firearms at gun shows. Based upon highly objective, highly reliable empirical evidence, this is simply not true.

According to a newly released U.S. Department of Justice study, less than 1 percent of the crimes committed involving firearms are committed with firearms obtained at gun shows.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics report "Firearms Use by Offenders," the overwhelming majority of firearms used in crimes come from either the perpetrator's friends and family or from illegal sources. The report is based on data collected from personal interviews with 18,000 prison inmates. Conducted by the Clinton-Reno Department of Justice (no friends of the Second Amendment), it is the largest study of its kind sponsored by the federal government.

Researchers found that inmates serving time in state prisons said they obtained their guns from the following sources:

Friends or family, 39.6 percent.

On the street/illegal source, 39.2 percent.

A retail store, 8.3 percent.

A pawnshop, 3.8 percent.

A flea market, 1.0 percent.

At a gun show, 0.7 percent.

The Justice Department study undermines the anti-gun community's rallying cry to close the gun show "loophole" and should be considered much more reliable than the Virginians Against Handgun Violence survey cited in recent news reports.

Efforts to ban gun shows have become a pillar of the gun-control national agenda and have sparked heated debates in Congress and state legislatures throughout the country.

The anti-gun community has maintained that banning such shows is simply a public safety issue and that the effort is motivated by the need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, not by anti-gun bias.

Approximately 2 million Americans attend gun shows annually.

Under existing federal law, firearms dealers are required to obtain National Instant Criminal Background Check System approval prior to sales at a gun show. Gun show promoters and attendees are delighted that the Justice Department has essentially confirmed what gun collectors have been maintaining for years.

The study proves the link between gun shows and crime exists only in rhetoric, not in reality. The National Association of Arms Shows, which represents the interests of gun show promoters and attendees, has sent letters containing excerpts from the study to key members of Congress on both sides of the debate.

Want to know more? Read the Bureau of Justice Statistics report "Firearms Use by Offenders" at
Ok where is the quote about stats--pax?

Anyway do a stat research and then ignore it. Only use stats -or -skew to fit an agenda. Gun owners are the GG and do the right thing. BG's don't and get a break or victim of society,or some silly such notion.

I specifically asked a 15/16 y/o gangbanger, giving a talk to juvilile offenders what he thought of gun control. He said gun control was blessing for BG's and an hinderence for the populace.
Being underage, he can't buy from any source. Easier to steal, no money spent--but can sell to make money. He and his gang, broke into a NG armory one all the good stuff, made $ to buy drugs. Knows citizens in heavy gun control areas make easy victims...has enough sense to avoid pro gun areas.

Part of a relocation program in return for testimony this gangbanger shocked the wannabe's (especially girls wanting to join) and parents . Can we say condition white?

Preacher, what has been your take from working within a prison?
No question from my experience but that felons get most of their guns from fences, etc. as stolen goods. I've talked to countless inmates, trying to find out their attitudes to firearms, where they get them, how they use them, etc., and the vast majority say that they "order" the guns they want from a "fence", who supplies them either on a purchase basis, or more frequently on a "rent-a-gun" basis. The gun is "hired" for one job, then returned.

Also, there are criminals who specialize in obtaining weapons. They look for collectors, guys with NRA stickers/decals in the window of their pickup, purchasers of gun safes, etc. If they get information that suggests you may have a number of firearms, they'll target your house to get them. One such gangbanger boasted to me that his gang's best "hit" was a collector in Texas, from whom they stole over 200 firearms, and cleared $20,000 in black-market sales from them. (The actual value of the guns was probably far higher, but fences don't pay Blue book prices...)
Preacher, I agree.
High profile case, national media, attention around a collector/dealer, found murdered here...not that long ago.

Gang-banger mentioned , along with others, look for advertising. He did say they use a older person especially a female to hang around gun-show lots. Get an idea via stickers and dealers unloading wares, no big deal to follow or find residence.

I haven't attended a show in a while, besides the undesirable types I'm not crazy about the alphabet boys in lots , I don't think they were doing the dailey puzzle with all that scribbling.

Reality is BG's gonna get what they want regardless of laws and statues. Some of these restictive measures just keeps an honest man honest. Like door locks and safes--BG wants it, he'll figure a way.

Criminals ain't wired right--that's why we call them criminals.
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