Gun show shooting - real or not?

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I attended a show in Knoxville some years ago at the Jacobs building in Chilhowee park (Mike Holloway's Gun Show in the Smokies). A young fellow had a ND with a .22 cal. tube fed rifle. The thing sounded very loud in the auditorium. Things immediately got quite and several supposedly unloaded firearms started coming out of pockets (just in case the first shot wasn't the last I suspect). The guy responsible started cussing and I thought he had been shot but he was just upset about the gun evidently having one hang up in the tube only to drop in on his ill advised trigger pull of a rimfire. I knew it must have been shocking to him but He made an ass of himself by showing no concern for who may have been hit in the crowded show. The fellow who had the table was immediately packed up and removed from the show. I always wondered if someone may have spiked his gun or he really left one behind by accident. Luckily no one was hurt. I've been to maybe a hundred or more over the years and that was the only one I've ever seen. One is enough since I was pretty close (maybe 20 feet away) when it occurred.
Around the 4th of July, I was at the Orlando Fairgrounds show when a "dealer" was clearing a .45. Must have had a finger on the trigger because the bullet hit the concrete and fragments caught 2 guys in the lower leg. I was about 100 ft away and it caused me to head for the door (after I got off the floor and dusted off). Joe
High prices, high entrance fees, dealers lacking social skills, basic firearm knowledge, and personal hygiene

Absolutely correct. I have more concern of an AD at my club than at a show.
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