Gun T-shirt 'was a security risk'

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Sep 4, 2007
I read this news:
Gun T-shirt 'was a security risk'

This is just ridiculous... I mean, even if it actually were real, an Autobot would never harm innocent passengers! It would be like this really fantastic security boost. I'm surprised security isn't handing these t-shirts out to ALL the passengers.
This has been posted before. It wasn’t a risk to security but could have been offensive to some people. God knows why but there you are. Airports are very sensitive places these days.

I'm so glad I live in the USA and not England.

The same crap happens in your country.
The same crap happens in your country.

Especially in our schools.
Beat me to it. There are several threads here about schools banning shirts or suspending studentswith guns on them. I remember a thread about a school banning a shirt becuse the shirt has a range name on it and no picture.
Good thing they didn't show Transformers as the in-flight movie.

Probably would have set off a riot, including the guy using his transformer t-shirt as a club to annoy all the other passengers.
Good thing they didn't show Transformers as the in-flight movie

Joking aside, that’s a good point!

During my last two trips to the States I watched the last James Bond movie: loads of shooting and violence, The assignation of Jessie James: not quite so much shooting but real guns and lots of violence and no one complained.

Too many authorities these days pander to the sensitive souls of the few to the detriment of the many!
All I know is, the airport in Atlanta (Hartsfield), sells Guns & Ammo in the secured area of the airport...

Somebody stop them! For the love of Pete!
I had a unique opportunity - seems a co worker was a trainer for TSA...and was quite proud of his troops! So, naturally, I started asking about incidents around the country, like the Joe Foss Medal of Honor incident, and kids GI Joe doll gun confiscation, and the Charleton heston Silver Bullet key chain fob confiscation...
He said the key chain one was within policy, if it looks like ammo, it doesn't fly. I couldn't get him to understand its a solid piece of polished metal.
But, so funny, the only answer I got to defend any of the other ridiculous incidents was...
"When we started halfthe new TSA were ex cops and ex-military, and the other half the left over $6 an hour baggage screeners, and you know they'll hire ANYONE. After a while, we found out it wasn't what we thought it would be, and the cops and military moved on."
Right. This London incident is just the farthest I've seen them slide.
If y'all really are tweaked by this, complain.

Next time you fly, if the in-flight movie has ANY guns in it, immediately call the stewardess... er... flight attendant, and demand that it be turned off for safety.

Heh, heh...
Some years back when my son was a little kid I used to send him to Wisconsin via plane, alone to visit relatives. His suitcase contained all the essentials for a 5 year old. Little cars, stuffed animals, some clothing but most of all, Squirt Guns. They were in the shape of little animals. At a check point his suitcase was opened, all Squirt Guns removed, taken to another location where they were put into a box marked FIREARMS and shipped separate. Called going to far???
Oh dear, how embarassing for their airport security. It's a simple judgement call: Transformer T-shirt=not a threat. Done. :banghead:
The terrorists have won.
No, Big Brother has.

Baning tee shirts with cartoon pictures of guns isn't about the terrorists, its about thought crime.

In other words, how DARE this guy go around with a drawing of a talisman of evil on his shirt. how DARE this guy even THINK that a cartoon picture of a talisman of evil is even remotely appropriate, hell this guy may not realize that guns are talismans of evil; The Horror! Off to the re-education camps with him! (ok, thats the next step).

Well he's just lucky it was a cartoon robot with a gun and not a MoDoggie or he'd be in the clink right now.
My little brother was forced to change his shirt at school because it had the image of an Uzi on it. And this was in a pretty conservative town in Colorado.

When the school called my parents to inform them of my brother's evil ways they responded: "So?"

As a side note I will make sure I wear the most gun laden t shirt I have next time I take a flight.
I'll rather be arrested than take off my shirt just because whats on it doesn't "conform".

Maybe next time I fly, I'll wear my T-shirt from Ruger...

Has a glossy stainless Vaquero pic, captioned with "Ruger Vaquero The Cowboy's Choice"

Maybe next time I fly, I'll wear my T-shirt from Ruger...

Has a glossy stainless Vaquero pic, captioned with "Ruger Vaquero The Cowboy's Choice"

Ruger Vaqueros are real works of art, beautiful revolvers. So if people give you a hard time over it, threaten to press charges against them, for trying to restrict the lawful exhibition of art and literature.:neener:
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