Gunshow report

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Went to the show at the machinist's hall in St Louis yesterday, usually 1 of the better 1s, even tho this is the 1st 1 I've been to there in awhile.
I don't know if it's just dealers here, but the prices -as a rule, were outfreakin'rageous! I was looking to do a little selling or trading, butt getting raped in the process wasn't really what I was after.... Some of the smaller guys, or private individuals were alot easier to deal with.

1 thing that always is aggravating are the guys with a couple of cases full of 'shtuff', and not a price anywhere. Almost like going to a used car lot. Gotta ask to check it out, listen to the spiel, then beg for the the price before they get to the part where "this particular gun is the 1 out of all 12,000 in my shop that I don't care if I sell or not!" ( I actually was told that yesterday!) before I thanked him and started walking away.... Told him he should probably keep it he was thast attached to it, and he followed me for 2 tables telling me that he bought 50 of the pistol I had back in '89 fo $99 apiece, and couldn't give me any more than that, it just wouldn't be right!

As usual, everything I had was junk, and their's was golden....:rolleyes: Granted, I didn't have my Gold Cup with me, but had the same reaction when I did. I must have been the only guy in the place with 'I'M STUPID' tattooed on the top of my bald spot there at the time.

At least he wasn't wearing a leisure suit - or wearing camo.... :D

A Beef jerky shortage.Better start

I'm not worried, I was smart enought to lay in a lifetime supply just before the election, dont know why you guys couldn't see it coming. :rolleyes:
Went to the show in Pasco, Washington on Saturday.
Advertised as 200 tables. They had maybe 50.
Black rifles were plentiful and priced about what they were pre Obama.
Didn't see any great deals.
Stood in line to get in for about 10 or 15 min. was through the show in 30 min. or less.
Ammo was available but no deal.
Went to Ranch and Home.
They had more guns and more ammo than the show.
Well maybe not more guns but more ammo for sure.
.223 was $449 a case. They had a 2 pallets full.
Sorry I cannot remember the manufacturer.
More shotgun shells than you could shoot in a year.
Forgot to look at .22 shells. I'm pretty well stocked up for now.
I won't hurry back to the next one.
Last one was the usual story. Inflated prices on ammo and guns. But there is always the same guy who flips guns left and right and it ticks me off to no end. There was a guy selling his Glock 19 for $340, and the 'flipper' who buys it at that price or cheaper and flips it for at least $500 got all raggedy with me and the other vultures. The 'flipper' had the gaul to try and bust my chops and then I reminded him what he was doing was illegal, and he quietly stocked off. The next one is in October, I won't play so civil with him, I'll call out offers over him talking. If he was a regular guy who was looking for a deal I'd hold my tongue but this guy is a stain on gun owners and is a gouger so he gets none of my respect.
What did he do illegal?
He got a cheap price on a gun and sold it for more money.
That's called profit.
Private sales are legal.
He does it a lot? It's hard to define "Dealer"

I don't see a problem.

I'm not worried, I was smart enought to lay in a lifetime supply just before the election, dont know why you guys couldn't see it coming.

I did also, but my lifetime(130 months)supply is in MRE's and 15K rounds of ammo, 1k rounds per weapon. Would you believe I have .40 cal WWB ammo purchased just one year ago that only cost $12.95 per hundred.:rolleyes:
There was a guy selling his Glock 19 for $340, and the 'flipper' who buys it at that price or cheaper and flips it for at least $500 got all raggedy with me and the other vultures.
Do you mean it was an auction and the 'flipper' was there to purposefully bump up the price of the gun? thats extremely unethical but not exactly crime. If he bought it and resold it at a higher price than I agree with AirForceShooter theres no crime in turning a profit.
He must mean the flipper has no FFL.
If he is buying and selling guns as a business I do believe he needs a license.
If he is a private seller then he may or may not be in violation.
That would be up to the BATFE.
Luckily, the shows in Ohio are still pretty decent. I see at least a handful of deals every time that make me wince for not being able to take advantage of. On other occasions, it is my wallet doing the wincing.
Maybe it's a secret Acorn plot to make gun shows suck so that we will stop going...Same thing here in Dallas. A lot of overpriced stuff. There are deals to be found if you dig though. One table always has the range bullets I like for my .44 at a good price and I found my buddy a barely used Springfield 1911 for cheap.
Went to the show at the machinist's hall in St Louis yesterday, usually 1 of the better 1s, even tho this is the 1st 1 I've been to there in awhile.

Dang, that's a LOT of ones!

What did he do illegal?
He got a cheap price on a gun and sold it for more money.
That's called profit.
Private sales are legal.
He does it a lot? It's hard to define "Dealer"

I don't see a problem.

It's okay to do private sales, like if you have a gun that you don't want anymore, or you need the money. What this guy did wrong is that he bought the gun for the purpose of selling it, which is illegal.
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