Happy Chinese New Years!

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Dan, you have to go to Indy for moon cakes around here, unless you are lucky and catch a baker at the right time.

Man, I almost did not survive to see the Year of the Dog. Was in Boston's Chinatown New Year's Eve for lunch during the seminar. Foolishly stopped at a bakery after lunch to get a mixed nut moon cake and was nearly knocked to the ground by a horde of Cantonese grandmothers doing their last minute shopping.

It was all a blur of wool coats, surgical masks and Gwangdungwah at the decibel level of Logan International and at maching gun speed. I just kept repeating tsang mon and 4'11" women pushed 198 lb., 6'1" El Tejon across the shoppe.:uhoh:

It was like a rock concert. I did not go back at dinner.:D
odysseus said:
May all your gifts be in red envelopes that don't clink, but fold. :)

You must be thinking of the rat in the context of Western thought. Hey - Rabbits can be pretty foul too.

My sister is a rat so that must influence my thinking, sibling rivalry and all! Hey, rabbits have good points too, think of the playboy bunny!
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