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Jun 6, 2004

Too often we forget that the 4th of July is just the official date that we celebrate our Fore-Fathers declaring their independence from Great Britian, beginning the eventual establishment of the most free, the most God-blessed nation, in the history of mankind.

A special thanks to all of our military personnel, past & present, for your sacrifice & service to our country, our liberties, our freedom, and the American way of life.


What a great day indeed. Be sure to fly ole Red, White and Blue!

A special thanks to all of our military personnel, past & present, for your sacrifice & service to our country, our liberties, our freedom, and the American way of life.
It's my honor to serve America! Thanks to all my fellow brothers and sisters in arms as well!
July 4th, 1776. The Independence of 13 (now 50) free and sovereign independent States from the British Empire :cool: Honor the men who died to make it so and the God that blessed their efforts. From General Washington who lead them to the common soldier freezing at Valley Forge. :)

Let the fireworks soundoff
God Bless The US!
Good shots defend liberty.

Here's another vote for defending freedom. With yr life if necessary.

Remember that one of the reasons the Good Guys won the Revolution was their practiced use of their rifles against the British conscripts and the German mercenaries.

God grant that we never lose that strength.
Just got back from our town's 4th parade. It truly is out of a Norman Rockwell painting. The VFW marched in the parade. A bunch of middleaged overweight guys that you know were once young and that some gave all and all gave some to keep me free. God Bless America.
I went and put flags on graves at a local graveyard. Now I will spend today with friends and family.
Too the other vets. we are free, because of you. Not politicians, lawyers or reporters. It does not matter if you were a grunt or mailman on on a ship.
It does not matter if you went to war, or Hung out in Germany for a year.

this day is possible, because you had the nuts to put on a uniform. Me and my family thank you.

Think about freedom at some time before your 9th beer today. And have fun.
No what ever happens in your life, no one can ever take the pride of service,:) you should feel from you. Be well, happy 4th, Stevo and Jeanne
No one forgets about the US independence around here in NC at least. Who is the ones forgetting?

But I do have a problem with...

Remember that one of the reasons the Good Guys won the Revolution was their practiced use of their rifles against the British conscripts and the German mercenaries.

That is tripe. The British where much well trained and the only way the US started winning was when the French got involved. Over half of Washington's forces were French, the vast amount of artillary, gunpowder, the navy, trainers, and many firearms where French too. The key to the US was able to negotiate a peace treaty to get advantages from both the British and French. Before they got involved the US lost badly in every battle they fought and were about to fire Washington. If anything the true hero of the revolution who did more than anyone else was Benjamin Franklin who got the French involved.
I think the British were much better trained then the US Regulars or the State Militias. We were very lucky that while G. Washington was learning his trade (losing battle after battle), that the British were not lead by better or more aggressive Generals or the war might have been over quickly.

Over half of Washington's forces were French,...
The French were very important to the US helping us with monies, arms and for short periods their fleet. But I don't believe that over half of Washington’s forces fighting the British were French.

The key to the US was able to negotiate a peace treaty to get advantages from both the British and French.
The key was putting the British after long suffering but with only a few British loses, in a position to want to negotiate. The finest negotiator in the world can’t negotiate anything with out the “will” of the opposition to negotiate. That was done on the battlefield and by those opposing the Crown in the British government that pushed for "peace".

The British were hemorrhaging money and losing face by losing battles to a rag tag bunch of Rebels.

The British could have won, but they didn’t, and in so doing they lost the best part of their empire.



PS Happy Birthday Limeyfellow!
If this be tripe...

Limeyfellow--I do NOT want to engage in an argument about tactics or history. I DO want to honor the rebels who made it possible to celebrate our Independence Day.

Quoting Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

You know the rest. In the books you have read
How the British Regulars fired and fled,
How the farmers gave them ball for ball,
From behind each fence and farmyard wall,
Chasing the redcoats down the lane,
Then crossing the fields to emerge again
Under the trees at the turn of the road,
And only pausing to fire and load.

If this be tripe, give me liberty or give me tripe.

The French helped. A lot. There were many other factors. No question. But one thing about those revolting Americans is that they defended their freedom with a rifle and their lives. Like I said before, God grant that we never lose that.
Here's what I wrote elsewhere:

"Be proud. Be resolute. But above all, be GLAD you live in the USA and sing its praises loudly. Do these things everyday.

Say a prayer and stand in support of the troops of this nation fighting in harms way. They fight for your interests AND the good of other people's around the globe.

America is still the inspiration - help others rise to see it.

Support our President, whether you like him or not. Avoid contention and partisanship and do your part in supporting him and his chosen aides. Help him lead the nation by being a faithful citizen.

Vote when you get the chance and stand tall with your voice. Whether you win or lose, you have stood tall on the path of commitment and courage.

Be an American that molds others well. Exhibit the best this nation offers in your actions and words. In this way, our nation will remain steadfast.

Happy Independence Day to all of you, my friends. Fire up the grill, ice down the beer and fire the cannons. This is YOUR DAY."
Support our President, whether you like him or not. Avoid contention and partisanship and do your part in supporting him and his chosen aides. Help him lead the nation by being a faithful citizen.

Support the Bush regime? No. I agree with Theodore Rooseveldt.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by our President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Theodore Rooseveldt
Remember folks...

19 April 1775 was the date the war started. Let us NEVER forget that the British Army (the lawful policing authority) was coming to town (Lexington)to confiscate guns.

I realize that I am only one of roughly six billion people on this planet, and only 300 million us live in the United States, and we are free. Because of arms in our homes insuring that it the case. Thank you founding fathers.

I have family in the fray right now, may he be safe and come home to raise his children, and teach them about one of the most important tools for being free. As a marine armorer, I think he'll have it covered.

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