Has anyone seen a DI Optical red dot in person?

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needs more ammo
Jan 19, 2010
Galveston Bay is an Hour Away ©
I haven't seen a DI Optical sight of any kind in person yet, but I took the leap and ordered a RV2 that I found for $199.00. I'll soon see if I'm an idiot or lucky guinea pig with this South Korean made red dot.

I'll report back with some photos when it comes in.

Below are some webpages with info. Interestingly, some of the specs are very contradictory to one another depending on the website.




http://www.donginoptical.com/eng/product/product.php?idx=T3IRL (Shhhh. Be good now. :D)
I believe I'll just take my chances with an Aimpoint PRO when the refund gets here!!
I Don't want to be a Beta Tester for a South Korean sight company with no track record just to save $200 or less.

You can bet you won't get a full refund from them when the sight quits 9 years from now!!
Or a year and a half from now.

Good points, RC.

I'm installing a new 11,000 lb. machine from South Korea on Monday, which is over built and known for long term reliability. It's completely unrelated to the red dot sight in question, but I have some faith in many of the products that come from that country.

I'll see if that faith is warranted or not fairly soon. :)
Well, I have no doubt they can make machine tools and heavy earth moving equipment with the best of them, and have been for years.

I just don't want to be the one that finds out if they can make $250 red dot sights when I can buy a proven Aimpoint PRO for a little over $400!

Least we forget, Aimpoint invented the red dot sight in 1975.
And have always been pretty good at making it bullet-proof.


I'm looking forward to hearing about your satisfaction with the Aimpoint when it reaches your hands, RC.

The Aimpoint that I really liked cost a bunch more than the PRO. So, I had to let that idea go.
I haven't even ordered one yet.
Gonna wait until I have the refund check in my hands.
And the 'after Xmas' discounts to start pretty soon.

In fact I haven't even seen one yet.

Just going off my researching them, and replies in the EO thread like this one from people I have never met, but trust.


Other then excess weight?
Which appears to be 1/2 oz more then my old EO??

I can't find anyone with anything bad to say about them so far!!

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