HDPS SP-10? (Similar to an HK UMP, but in 9mm) Any info?

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May 12, 2004
I stumbled across this sweet subgun on the HDPS website (www.hdps.org).

Does anyone know anything about this sweet looking pistol caliber carbine? At only $1250, they seem like a great deal. Were they made by Special Weapons? It says "totally made in USA by SW." I guess that forearm is to hold a flashlight? It also takes easy to find MP5 mags. This looks like a great and unique alternative to an HK94. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

SBR it and add a supressor and it would be the ultimate cheap shooting plinker.



Hrm, at over double the price of a Beretta Storm, it seems kind of silly. The Beretta Storm costs less than $600, uses very readily available Beretta magazines, etc. I'm sure you could also get the barrel threaded and get a suppressor for it, were you so inclined to jump through the paperwork hoops. (And still come in under the price of your HDPS SP-10.)
Sure it costs way more than a Beretta Storm, but how many people prefer a Beretta CX4 over an HK MP5? This thing is built with HK MP5 parts. Now, don't get me wrong, I like the Storm and its ergonomics, and I would buy one for the right price, but I've shot a Full-auto MP5 and it is amazing! Also, any Beretta Storm would look fugly with a hi cap mag sticking out of the grip like a wannabe Uzi. So the higher price does give you things that the Storm cannot. Heck, if price were the only consideration, I would be posting pictures of a Hi Point 9mm Carbine, but we both know that that is not practical.
what is an "ultimate cheap shooting plinker" i see an ugly , over priced, hk 94 "wannabe". I also dont see is to how a beretta storm with a sweet sweet 20 rd mag could ever look like an uzi wanna be :confused:
These have been advertised as "coming soon" for a few years now. Suprised they are finally out. For some reason, they are also supposed to be limited run. No idea why.

If they did this right, and used the plasticness and a large run to make the unit price cheap enough, that would be good. $1300 for a big question mark. Not so much.

Oh, and SW=Special Weapons. Sorry, but "pass."
By "cheap shooting plinker" I was referring to it being chambered in 9mm (I shoot reloaded 9mm fr 7 cents a round) instead of the more popular .45 USC's converted to the UMP style pictured, those go for $2200 btw. Also $1200 is not bad when considering that HK94's go for more than that and all other semi-auto MP5's are more than that as well.

I agree that the beretta storm is great for the money, but it's no MP5 in function or style, although I've wanted a Storm since I shouldered one. This SP10 is unique because it is a HK UMP style 9mm (UMPs only come in .45, and .40). There were only 500 made so it would be a sort of collector as well.
I understood that you meant 9mm was cheap, it just seemed to defeat the purpose to me to spend that much money on something and justify it by saying it shot cheap ammo. However, I am playing with a college budget, so it doesn't add up for me. In a nutshell, my post was largely worthless. :p
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