Hearing Protection Help

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Jan 16, 2003
Peoples Republic of NJ
I am looking to buy electronic ear protection that are shaped like the ones shotgunners use. These are not for me I am looking into buying them for my brother-in-law for his birthday and he uses the compact size now because he says it is easier to shoot shotgun. I am asking hear because the local shops don't seem to carry a large selection of electronic protection and will have to order online and I want to make sure I order correctly.

Also are the electronic protection worth it?
I use the Sporting Clays model found here:

They are the slimmer design and have a pad for the shotgun or rifle side. These are not inexpensive at $220. For me they are worth it because I am an instructor and range officer. So being able to hear everything that's going on is a real plus. It has helped me on numerous occassions to catch situations before they became safety hazards.

I also have the ProMags for indoor pistol shooting. Again worth it to me, but it really depends on how you plan to use them. These are rated at 20 NRR without them being turned on. With them on they are not supposed to allow more than 70db of sound in. So keep fresh batteries around, because I've used them turned off indoors and it wasn't pleasant.

There are certainly other products out there, these are the ones I use and have experience with.

These Remingtons are cheaper and you could glue a pad on it to protect the shotgun or rifle.


Also can you be my brother-in-law? I need one who will buy such cool and considerate gifts for me. ;)
The Reaper - I must admit I'm puzzled by your statement:
These are rated at 20 NRR [they're rated 26 NRR, I believe] without them being turned on. With them on they are not supposed to allow more than 70db of sound in. So keep fresh batteries around, because I've used them turned off indoors and it wasn't pleasant.
The NRR rating is the degree of sound "leakage", so it is going to be the same with the electronics on or off. The Pro-Mag muffs aren't of the noise cancelling variety. I also have a pair and they work great, they attenuate the noise to an acceptable level. If the leakage is unpleasant with the electronics off, how is it more acceptable with the electronics on?
Edit: never mind, they aren't noise cancelling. The 70 dB refers to the sound level at which the headset stops amplifying the sound outside the headset so that you can hear conversation but rifle shots are suppressed. When I use my Peltor Tac 6 (also slim line) I use earplugs also and then just crank up the volume. It actually increases the level of some sounds while suppressing rifle shots.

Noise cancelling would sample the ambient noise and then generate an opposite waveform to neutralize it. As I recall, you cannot hear ambient conversation because the headset cancels it as ambient noise. Works good in an aircraft where the voices you need to hear come through the radios and ICS. The better aviation headsets use active noise cancellation and they are nice but pricey.
Thanks for the help. I was just looking at the Reminton R2000 and they seem to mimick the profile of the set he is using now and we know how we like to stick with what we are used to. Also I don't think it matters to him if they have a protective sleeve because he doesn't have use one now. His shotguns are an 1100 and 1187 both with synthetic stocks.

I will take a look at the Peltors later today I can't surf the web right now.
I have the ProMags also and have been very happy with them. Look around for a decent price because I've seen them as high as $240.00.
I can't remember where I got mine but they were only $175.00.

i have the pro ears and love them. but they were and are expensive

you might consider:
Radians Pro-Amp Electronic Earmuff
NRR 23, low profile
i bought two pair for my sons ONLY $63.00 RETAIL!!

if you can't find them, send me a PM and i'll get you a pair

Peltor Tactical 6's are what I use, very slimline, cost under a hundred bucks, IIRC. The NRR on them is only like 19 or 22, so I always use plugs when shooting rifles and pistols, but some dont plug when shooting shotguns with them.

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