Help a shooter learn more about guns

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Jul 9, 2010
I like that most of my friends consider me the go to person when it comes to guns. However, I really don't know that much at all. I try to look around on the internet but most things just don't stick with me.

I want to know it all. From the mechanics of how they work to just about anything. I just want to learn.

I have one friend who impresses me to no end with the knowledge he has on guns.

Anyways, are there any good books or sites to just go and learn. I don't want my friends just thinking I knowledgeable about the subject, I want to know I am.

I appreciate any help I can get.'ve been a member here for over a year. If you read through one thread a day for an entire year you'd be more knowledgable than many gun-shop guys. :)

If you're looking for who/what/when/how, especially in military rifles, I like the World Guns site. Lots of pictures of what the armies of the world have fielded since the first part of the 20th century, split into various kinds of weapons systems (bolt actions, machine guns, assault rifles, sub guns, etc.)

To learn "GUNS" as a single field of study takes a lot of time, and there's too much to know to ever know it all.

Probably the best thing is to pick an area that really interests you and start studying it in a dedicated fashion. That helps tone down the "drinking from the firehose" effect of trying to swallow the whole errornet's worth of info at once.
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