Help needed for Minnesota Castle Doctrine bill

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Jul 30, 2006

Attached is an email and response from my state representative, Erik Paulsen, regarding H.F. 498, a Castle Doctrine bill for Minnesota:


Thank you for letting me know of your support for the Castle Doctrine
bill for self defense.

I definately support this concept. I would be surprised if the current
leadership is going to allow a hearing on the bill, as they generally
do not support this type of legislation. I would hope that it will get a
hearing and I will speak to Rep. Cornish today on the floor to inquire
about what he thinks the prospects are.

Thanks again for sharing your views, as I appreciate hearing from you.
Please let me know whenever I can be of assistance.


Erik Paulsen
State Representative

100 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-7449
[email protected]
PS If you would like to sign up for my email legislative updates, go
to and click on email updates.

Representative Paulsen,

I'm writing in reference to HF 498, a self-protection bill authored
by Rep. Cornish et. al. Since moving to Minnesota almost five years
ago, I have seen the legislature go from a body generally opposed to the
right of personal protection to one which sees the right to arm and
protect oneself as not merely a political issue, but one with deeper
moral weight.

Passing concealed carry legislation was a huge first step. Now I
urge you to work with your colleagues on the Public Safety and Civil
Justice Committee to see HF 498 safely through committee and onto the
floor for passage. Citizens in Minnesota deserve the right to protect
themselves regardless of their location, and this bill allows for that.
Please review, support, and vote for Minnesota's castle doctrine
legislation, and thanks in advance for your representation.

Sincerely yours,

For those in Minnesota, please let your representatives, especially those in the DFL, know that you support this bill and want to see it out of committee and put to a vote. Here's a link for contacts:

There's also a companion bill in the Senate (S.F. 446), so if you have time, write your senators as well. Their contacts:

Maybe if a few of us let our legislators know what's up, it will put this bill on their radar screens.

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