Here is the Response from Maria Cantwell From Washington state for the AWB

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Feb 20, 2004
Thank you for contacting me to express your views on the assault
weapons ban. I appreciate having the benefit of your views on this
important issue, and I appreciate hearing from you.

On March 2, 2004, the United States Senate voted 52-47 on a
bipartisan basis to reauthorize the assault weapons ban for an
additional ten years. I was proud to support this extension, a
policy for which both Attorney General Ashcroft and President
Bush have also expressed support. The law bans certain models of
semiautomatic assault weapons and ammunition magazines of
high-capacity (that hold more than ten rounds). A recent study by
the Department of Justice shows that the use of banned guns in
crime has fallen by more than 60 percent between 1995 and 2002.
I supported the original Assault Weapons Ban as a member of the
U.S. House of Representatives and I believe the law has worked.

Unfortunately, the amendment will not become law, as the bill to
which the amendment was offered was subsequently defeated. I
am committed to efforts to extend the law this year. While
President Bush has stated his support for reauthorizing the ban,
House Majority Leader Tom Delay has announced that he does not
intend to bring the extension up for a vote. I appreciate your
support in urging the House leadership to allow a vote on
extending the ban, and I look forward to working with President
Bush to honor his commitment to maintain this common-sense gun

While I support extending the assault weapons ban, I am also
committed to protecting Second Amendment rights, and I know
that recreational use and collection of guns for hunting, sport, and
other activities is extremely important to you and many other law-
abiding Washingtonians. That is why I also cosponsored an
amendment to expand the ability of law enforcement officers
across the country to carry concealed weapons as they already have
the right to do in our state.

As your Senator, you can be assured that I will work to protect the
legitimate rights of law-abiding American gun-owners, while
continuing to support responsible legislation to reduce crime and
make our communities safer. I believe both of these goals are
important and can be simultaneously accomplished. I value the
input of responsible gun buyers and sellers in forming common
sense gun policy.

Again, thank you for contacting me on this important issue. Please
do not hesitate to contact me again on this or any other issue.

Maria Cantwell
United States Senator
While I support extending the assault weapons ban, I am also
committed to protecting Second Amendment rights, and I know
that recreational use and collection of guns for hunting, sport, and
other activities is extremely important to you and many other law-
abiding Washingtonians

They don't get it
"As your Senator, you can be assured that I will work to protect the
legitimate rights of law-abiding American gun-owners"

Interesting. "legitimate rights" - one has to wonder exactly what are the "legitimate rights" she writes about? Does she really believe that she, and her fellow travelers in Washington are the source of our Rights? The only thing they can do regarding our Rights is to stop recognizing them, and many would argue that bridge has been crossed.

"I know that recreational use and collection of guns for hunting, sport, and
other activities is extremely important to you and many other law-
abiding Washingtonians.."

The 2nd Amendment they use must read "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms for collecting, hunting, sport and other activities shall not be infringed."
As your Senator, you can be assured that I will work to protect the
legitimate rights of law-abiding American gun-owners, while
continuing to support responsible legislation to reduce crime and
make our communities safer

This is one that I like right here, yep because the AWB will keep my community SO safe.....
"While I support extending the assault weapons ban, I am also
committed to protecting Second Amendment rights, and I know
that recreational use and collection of guns for hunting, sport, and
other activities is extremely important to you and many other law-
abiding Washingtonians. That is why I also cosponsored an
amendment to expand the ability of law enforcement officers
across the country to carry concealed weapons as they already have
the right to do in our state."

What in the world does allowing the police to carry concealed have to do with MY RKBA if I am not a police person???

No, they just don't get it.

well this is NOT cop bashing, but basically what it seems she is saying is that they are a better group of citizens that should have special privilages extened to them... and piss on us common folk
Re-respond to her

Thank you for your honest response, but you might want to do some more light reading on the purpose and meaning of the second amendment after your retirement in November. However if you do NOT plan on retiring your service in the next election you might want to rethink your position with the meaning of the Constitution in mind.

Thank you
purpose and meaning of the second amendment after your retirement in November.

Cantwell ran in 2000 for the Senate, she'll be around wiping her butt with the Bill of Rights for at least 2 more years. After claming in 2000 that "“I'm not going to be bought by special interests", she has the distinction of being #1 (yes, that's the top of the manure pile) recipient of lobbyist cash. Maria likes the green.
Maria was worth a fortune when she first ran. She was an internet millionare (billionare???) making her name as one of the top 2 or 3 at Real Audio.

After a very very close (think florida close) election that wasn' decided until after well after election day either, she scrapped by but had spent a fortune on the seat. By that time, the value of her stock was worth considerably less than when she started and she ended up in the whole by many millions (millions more than her networth ended up being). As a result, not only has she sold the constitution out, but she has become one of the biggest whores for money in DC as she tries to replenish her coffers to defend a seat she will have to really fight for in 2 yeasrs
Lawson4 beat me to it.

Indeed, how does allowing LEOs to carry in other states protect or restore MY RKBA in any way, shape or form? (Yes, I know -- a rhetorical question.)
Um yeah I don't like Maria Cantwell. Not one bit. How such an otherwise excellent state like WA can pick people like McDermott, Cantwell, Murray, etc. is perplexing to me. These people aren't fit to run tupperware parties.

*shakes head sadly*
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