Heritage Foundation on the UN Arms Treaty

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Oct 12, 2006
Llano, TX

This is a well thought-out commentary that is worth the time to read and think about. Typically for Heritage, there is no trace of sky-is-falling, but the threats that are honest-to-God things to worry about and take action to prevent are discussed.

To summarize the four key threats they see:

1. Transfer requirements - there are rules governing "international transfers", but the actual definition of these does not mention the word "international", raising the question, "will ALL transfers be covered?"

2. International business - most major U.S. arms manufacturers have an international financing, insurance, and supply chain. The ATT could become a means for foreign countries to pressure U.S. firms to exit the market or foreign firms to not sell in the U.S. This would have the obvious effect of making guns harder to buy because the supply would be tightened.

3. Ongoing "review" - the rules are not ALL written or final, even once the treaty is adopted. Just as the U.S. congress has done for years (see Dodd-Frank and the ACA), the petty details will be tweaked and expanded by rule-making and interpretation over a long time. We all know who dwells in the details.

4. Constitutional interpretation - the existence of the ATT will be a tool that certain judges in the U.S. will be all too willing to use as a standard to be considered in deciding "what the second amendment MEANS in today's world".

One more interesting point, especially in light of item #2, is that Heritage presents this as a reason for us NOT to quit the U.N., because that body is going to do crazy stuff with us or without us, and will effect our lives whether the U.S. is a member state or not. Therefore, they say, we should stay in and fight that crazy stuff before it is allowed to happen. My take on that is that I'm not sure we'd ever succeed given the rampant insanity of Turtle Bay, but also that that approach is only as strong and effective as the willingness of any U.S. administration to actually fight that fight. If we have any more years like the last few, that fighting won't happen and then what is the point?

Anyway, a thoughtful and though-provoking article that I thought I'd share with y'all.
Has the UN ever been able to do anything it it's 60 or so year history? The Syrians are kicking peacekeeper butt and it has not, to my knowledge, forced it's will on any one, or any country in it's sorry history. Our Constitution overrides everything we are told we must fear. And fear by the way makes us all do stupid things.

We are learning very clearly lately that certain industries are the real controlling entities in world affairs. Banks obviously are immune to oversight. I don't think it's a stretch to include arms manufacturers and energy producers in the list, to name just a few. I can't imagine that Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and all the rest are going to start to sell their equipment for scrap.

Should we be concerned over issues that will have an impact on our 2nd A rights? Heck yes, but this seems to benefit other interests. Cheaper Than Dirt included this link in an email this morning...

I guess if Rand Paul, Dick Morris and the NRA say it's true we should circle the wagons.

Don't be so quick to join the herd.
The UN will not be able to impose it's anti-gun agenda upon the U.S., as suggest they can't even agree on how to make an omelet, or depose a dictator.

We will however, need to watch carefully that we as citizens are not be blindsided by Progressives in our own government seeking to redefine the Constitution by making it a "living document", subject to endless re-interpretation by an activist Supreme Court.
The UN does not have any authority over any sovereign country other than what that country grants it. However, the Starte Department and certain political units are more than happy to surrender the responsibility for their actions to an unaccountable entity. The courts particularly like to reference "International" protocol in rulings which defy common sense and our Constitution so any opening for these weasels to ease us into internationalism will be utilized. You should not be a knee jerk reactionary to every bit of news but you should also not be a newborn kitten with your eyes closed to reality.
K96771, the answer to your question is yes. The UN has a long and successful record at fixing parking tickets.

More seriously, I don't anyone really expects the treaty to accomplish anything in suppressing the illicit international arms trade. I think Hillary's prime motive is to use it as a back door approach to gun control here in the US.

Back in the dawn of time, (BFF, Before Fast & Furious) Obama told a few people to watch for some new approaches to the gun control issue since he didn't think they could get aything by the direct approach.
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