Hiking the Appalachian Trail

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I've hiked much of the AT w/o sidearm (over 600 miles of it) , though would have preferred one. I was much more concerned with 2-legged varmints than 4-legged ones.
*Most reassurance I got was camping in the bush well away from the car-accessible areas and the campgrounds.

Recall the two women murdered in their tent in Shenandoah National Park within weeks when Bill Bryson passed through there.

You should read his book, because you sound sort of like his hiking companion. And beware Rocksylvania, "where boots go to die".
I hate to say it, but from what I have read about some of the people that have been attacked on the AT, I would still probably carry a gun anyway. I know some of you will have some bad things to say about me for making that comment, but I would chance it. Thats just me though. I knew a guy that did that exact same hike and he said he carried a Ruger SP101 in a "book safe" http://www.diversion-safes.com/booksafe.htm in the form of a Bible and no one ever questioned it. They just thought he was a really religious person.

Good luck to you!
Fiskars 14" Hatchet. Runs about $20 at Home Depot and Lowes. It's light but heavy enough to chop and long enough to let you get some leverage unlike their short handled backpacking axe. Along with the normal resupply items you might consider sending a separate maintenance kit with a knife/axe sharpener, seam seal, rubber cement, replacement carbide walking stick tips, needle/thread, 100 mph tape (much better than duct), etc. that you can use to tune up your gear and then mail it on to the next location.


There have been a number of sick, twisted individuals that have preyed on hikers. Feral dogs and other more natural problems occur.

Guns may be a no-no on parts of the trail, but being dead stinks no matter where you are. Use your common sense as to what equipement you need before you take that 1st step!
Hey everyone

I am getting ready for hitting the trail and this has been a good thread...June 2nd will be the day I get up to Baxter state park ( hopefully hike katahdin if the trail is open because is snowed in right now) then I am heading south...

Thanks for the thought and advice everyone

I have taken everything into consideration and I agree being dead sucks.

Brother in Arms

Be careful and watch your six. But remember to relax and enjoy the journey.

Hope on at a cybercafe and log in. Let us know how your doin.
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