History Channel Goes Tactical

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That show made me sleepy. It seems like a rehash of all the History channel, discovery channel, Wings, episodes I've seen hundreds of times.

Mail Call is my show of choice. :D
I watched an episode a week or two ago and... boooooooring!
"Gee-whiz" this GPS thingy works by satellite so you can't get lost here in the wilderness on the outskirts of San Franciso!
And the host reminded me of all those arrogant head-up-the-CO's-butt military pilots that I met. The kind that practices their devil-may-care grin in front of the mirror every morning...

Mythbuster on the Discovery Channel is pretty good. They try to replicate myths and see if they are possible. Such as cell phones causing gas station explosions and the static discharge from getting back in the car while filling the gas tank.

A couple of weeks ago, they had a segment on "ice" and "meat" bullets. They could not get a successful test. Caught the very end of the segment, hopefully they will have a repeat soon.

Is it still new after its been on for a month?

And the host reminded me of all those arrogant head-up-the-CO's-butt military pilots that I met.
Wasn't he kicked off of survivor because he was too much of a threat?:rolleyes:
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