Hot Fudge Tuesdae? August 22nd and Iran

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Oct 21, 2005
Those of you who've read "Lucifer's Hammer" will get the reference.

In the book, a comet which is speculated MAY hit the Earth, is being described by two "new generation" scientists. For purposes of calculation, they liken the comet to a hot fudge sundae in terms of density and structural cohesion, and proceed to calculate the energies of impact if a hot fudge sundae half a mile in diameter were to hit the Earth. The comet is scheduled to cross the Earth's orbit on a Tuesday - hence the day that the comet MAY impact the Earth takes the appelation, Hot Fudge Tuesdae. For those who haven't read the book, my description of the plot ends here. It's a good read, I highly recommend it.

As many of you may have noticed, the nutcase running the nation of Iran is a pretty scary dude. He belongs to a radical sect that even most Ayatollahs want nothing to do with. They believe that in bringing about the apocalypse, they are a serving the will of Allah. The theory of Mutuallly Assured Destruction (MAD) which worked effectively as a deterrent with nation-states like the Soviet Union and China, will NOT work with these people. They literally DO NOT CARE if we turn Iran into a glass parking lot, because they will all be martyrs, don't you see. As long as they get their licks in first. One of the prerequisites to an all out Holy War is that they must first invite their adversary to accept Islam, and the invitation must be ignored or declined. If you remember the psychotic-sounding public letter he sent to Pres. Bush a few weeks ago, it contained an invitation to accept Islam. They have announced August 22 as the date on which they will answer the world regarding their nuclear program. There have been not-so-subtle indications that they would have "some surprises" in store for the world. This year, August 22nd falls on a Tuesdae... er, I mean Tuesday. Specifically, this COMING Tuesday. August 22 this year coincides with an auspicious date in the Islamic religious calendar, with huge possible significance.

If you've been following the news lately, there have been several stories in recent weeks about middle eastern men, caught with dozens of disposable cell phones (the ones that are untraceable), large sums of cash, etc.. In one instance these men claimed they planned to re-sell the phones for profit. In another instance, a Dollar General store manager found packaging for a large number of these phones, plus the owner's manual and the rechargers in the dumpster behind his store, with the phones cut out of the packaging. Not what you would expect if the phones were purchased for re-sale. The chips from these phones can be extracted, and they make perfect remote detonators for IEDs.

Iran has tested high-altitude missiles which exploded at high altitude. Apparently there is sharing of missile technology between Iran and North Korea. These missiles are not terribly accurate, but they can launch payloads in a general direction, it would appear. NK claims to have nukes, but has never demonstrated this. They appear to be gearing up for an underground test. Iran claims to be enriching nuclear "fuel". Now think - if you had one or two nukes, what would be the best way to use them? Flatten downtown New York? If the detonation is ever traced back to you, it's glass parking lot time, and you only damaged one city. But instead, if you caused a high-altitude detonation over the continental US, you could potentially black out a whole section of the country via EMP. If we retaliated to an EMP burst by nuking Iran, we would receive the scorn of the world, and Iran may be willing to risk we wouldn't use the nuclear arsenal, but go in with ground troops like we did in Iraq.

Iran has been quoted as saying their answer would light up the night sky over Israel. Hint of an EMP burst there? That would probably disable a lot of the US supplied electronic technology being used by the Israeli's, giving opposing forces using old fashioned weaponry an advantage.

Puzzle pieces are falling into place, and although I can't yet make out the whole picture, I do not like the looks of what is shaping up. Imagine IED's going off all over the US, all within a short space of time like an hour or two. This hits the news similar to what happened on 9-11. Then imagine after an hour or two of news coverage, the power goes out across several states, including yours. And it doesn't come back on. Digital watches, radios, tv's calculators, computers (especially computers at the electric & water plants) go stone cold dead, never to beep again. No power, no news, no water service, no 911, no police, maybe all or most of the cars dead too. How would people react?

Can you imagine the nationwide panic? Those paniced sheeple and opportunists (like we saw in New Orleans in the Katrina aftermath) will do more harm than the Iranians could EVER do by just nuking a city like New York, Chicago or LA. They can sit back, laughing, while our society self destructs like an out-of-balance flywheel tearing itself apart.

For the record, I'm not taking this too seriously myself. Prophets of Doom are legion, and I'm not about to join their ranks by claiming any of this WILL happen, only mentioning a few facts, connecting some dots, and speculating "what if?". In reality, the most likely scenario is that nothing out of the ordinary will occur on that day.

But also for the record, I'm taking the opportunity of this speculation as an excuse to re-check and patch up all my preps. Never hurts to be prepared just in case, you know. Like having the water tanks full, plenty of cash on hand (EMP would take out electronic transactions like ATMs and Credit Cards), all my portable electronics locked up in a metal filing cabinet, making up a "5-minute Bug Out" check list, that sort of thing. Cars gassed up and current on all maintenance. Guns at the ready. Just in case.

On the 22nd, I fully intend to kick back with a 12 year old scotch, bask in the knowledge my preps are in order, and enjoy watching the "nothing" unfurl.
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