Houston Chronicle won't take handgun ads

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Jan 7, 2003
Sorry if this is old news. I just read about it.

TX: Houston Chronicle will no longer accept classified ads for handguns from individuals


Houston, TX - The Houston Chronicle, Texas' largest daily newspaper and the ninth largest newspaper in the country with a circulation of 550,000, will no longer accept classified ads for handguns, except from licensed firearms dealers. And the newspaper will not accept classified ads for assault weapons from anyone - licensed or not. The Chronicle will continue to accept classified ads for long guns: rifles and shotguns. The new policy went into effect on May 1, 2003.
Remember, people:

If someone can buy or own a gun, it's a "loophole" in the gun prohibition laws.
Got 'ya covered

I sent the following to Houston Chronicle Letters to the Editor. Tomorrow, I'll send the same letter template to every newspaper on the "Campaigns" list that has banned these ads. Suggest you all do the same, it's easy and only takes a few minutes.
Dear Sirs,
I wanted to let you know that I am proud of you for caving in to the liberal, anti-freedom, National Campaign to Close the Newspaper Loophole. I'm glad that a completely legal transaction between two people has been banned from your pages. It makes me proud to know that your newspaper exercises "civic responsibility", and that a handful of liberal activists can control what is in your paper. This is simply another non-legislative initiative launched by the anti-gun lobby to further restrict completely legal transactions. Now, I assume you won't stop there, you need to ban the ads for automobiles because the buyer may not have a license or may have a DUI conviction. Bicycles should be next because everyone knows they are dangerous. Then you can ban the ads for unsafe or high risk sexual encounters. That will raise an outcry. They will scream The Chronicle restricts personal freedom!
Your obviously biased policies and unequal treatment of classified advertisers repels me.
:banghead: :cuss: :fire:
If they won't take ads, don't GIVE them any money. Write to tell them why. Newspapers are a shrinking institution most places.

I don't subscribe to my local rag, but usually buy one every week for ads and movie listings (not that I go to those very often :rolleyes: ).
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