How delicate is my blued Blackhawk?

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Sep 23, 2007
Washington State
I've had my Blackhawk for almost 6 months and I'm kinda warry about taking it in the outdoors. It's blued, and I'd worry about rain, body moister, holster moister, ect. Of course, I'd wipe it down and put gun oil on it if it did get wet. I also wipe it down with a silicone cloth every time I handle it, and keep it in a gun sock in a padded case, with the case left open, so air can circulate around it.
I know I probably sound paranoid, I just don't want to look at it one day, and see rust all over.

I know this has probably been asked many times over, but trying to search for "blued", gets 10,000 results.
About as delicate as a bull elephant. Mine has been practically everywhere in every weather since 1973, and has never had any rust on it. If it gets really wet, make sure to dry it with a hair dryer or space heater, or break it down and get it dry. Most of the time mine has been sprayed with WD-40 or Rem Oil, wiped off, and put in the drawer for the first 17 years, and in the safe since.
I think a wipe down with an oil-soaked cloth is better than a wipe down with a silicon polishing cloth for rust prevention during storage but either way don't worry too much, it's not gunna rust if it's clean and oiled.
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