hunting in eastern north carolina

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Jun 30, 2007
well this will be my second hunting season last year i only went on one deer hunt and didnt get anything but i did really well duck and dove hunting, but i only got a few quail i was confine to hunting on croatan gamelands this year but now i have some land by pollocksville i can hunt on

but any one have any luck on game lands in eastern nc
I've hunted Holly Shelter's game lands once or twice a season for the last five years or so. The milo fields around Island Road are usually pretty productive.
Hunting the Croatan

rantingredneck:paintballdude: Folks I've had the privilege with pleasure all up and down; from the pocasin bays to the Base.
Raced the Coon's at night with success
Seen them chase the Bears
Some mighty fine Fox races
and them Deer Dogs down at Wallace
What a wonderful place

Don't know where you folks go, BUT if you can GET ON, one of the Down-east farms. You've made it.
neo i prefer huntign on public land just because i dont want to make a bad impression on a land owner if he doesnt like they way i hunt on his private land(with permission)

so i was looking at a map of the croatan and i was thinking about hiking in 2-3 miles the day before the season starts so that i wont have to be close to the otehr hunters that are staying pretty slose to the roads
Hiking In

paintballdude: Sir you will find them every where.
I'm not sure where you plan to hunt in the Croatan. The name implies a small section of the East.
The Croatan is one of the largest Game Lands in the US
As far as getting on one of the Down East Farms, be responsible, and do it face to face with that piece of Paper saying you have permission.
Clean up yours-theres-or anyone else's mess. If it takes two trips to CLEAN IT UP do what-ever it takes.:)
Have that paper with permission when you go on there property.
Now if you are going to use the Game Land, Let me know approx. where you plan to be. ie between what and what.
Maybe I've been around there. :)

I do most of my hunting on private land in Orange and Caswell Counties. I just go down to the swamps for a change of pace and an earlier muzzleloader hunt. :D
Eastern NC

Duplin-Onslow-Pender- Move over to Cartaret drop back to Jones
Folks: Some of the toughest:eek: walking, crawling, mid-winter sweats,
I love this place. Used to want to go into Angola Bay. Haven't done it yet.

Just out of Cartaret on 9 mile road, is absolutely the craziest place's I've had the pleasure to watch GoB's of Deer Hunters. Crazier than being out on Cape Point with a Blue Fish Blitz.

Hide and Watch :):p


On any of the NC game lands you can get away from the crowds and find better hunting if you venture 400 yards +/- into the woods away from the roads that you can drive a pick-up or 4x4 to. Once this far away from these areas you will 95% of the time have the place to yourself and find more undisturbed game. Another good tatic is to hunt through lunch on public lands. When all the Bubbas head to the local store for lunch (10:00am-1:00pm) they will make the game move and if you are waiting in the game's prefered travel/escape routes you will see more game.

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