I am not a member of the gun lobby, but...

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Feb 1, 2008
Eastern, ID
I am not a member of the gun lobby, but a citizen with rights. In respect to articles that I have been reading about the D.C. Gun Ban, I continue to see it written that the Supreme Court's opinion is being swayed by the gun lobby. Like the 2nd Amendment is some arbitrary law (not right) due to change with popular opinion or influence.

Yes, I support the gun lobby, but not because they help me keep my guns. Every American has the right to protect themselves, whether they want to or not.

The gun lobby does deserve credit for the work they do, but they did not write the Constitution, nor the Bill of Rights.

It infuriates me when our media sells the idea that when the court decides based on the constitution, not recent trends, that the court is following some political swing. I believe some writers know that they do this, but most rewrite what they have read for years.

I am not a member of the lobby, I am a citizen with unalienable rights. I will stand up for those rights. I deserve a more patriotic title than just another lobby.
I hate the term "gun lobby." It's frequently used by the political left (Barrack Obama uses it in his book The Audacity of Hope) to describe some imaginary political force. It basically is a catch all term that is supposed to conjure up images of suit-wearing right-wingers who care more about earning money from gun sales than the lives of themselves or their fellow man. I honestly don't know anyone like that. The "Gun Lobby" is today, what the "International Jew" was years ago- it's a scapegoat for society's problems.
Having been an NRA member since 1976, I'm proud to tell you I'm an active part of the gun lobby. I prefer to call myself a civil rights activist, mind, but I do, indeed, lobby for the right to keep and bear arms.
Standing Wolf, I know it wouldn't take long for a comment like yours, which I agree with, that I why I said that this lobby does deserve credit for what it does. However, Prince Yamato hit it on the nail.

Prince, I don't know anyone like that either.
I agree, Prince Yamamoto. The "Gun Control Network" (about 6 wackos) is an annoyingly vocal organisation over here. They claim that the Gun Lobby 'watered down' the restrictions put in place over here in 1988 (ban all semi-auto rifles except .22RF, need 'good reason' for shotgun slugs and repeating shotguns over 2+1 capacity, ban on repeating shotguns under 24" barrel, registration of all shotguns). Just who was that exactly? All the supposedly pro-gun organisations were so fragmented, interspective and cowardly that they couldn't prevent the handgun ban 10 years later! We're only now getting anywhere, and it's probably going to be when the current 'old guard' of the various groups to retire or die and be replaced with new blood that we'll actually make a difference.
The anti's love to make out the "gun lobby" to be big powerful firearms manufactuers and dealers buying legislators with their massive piles of money. They want people to think corporate greed is killing children while people crave more gun control. The dirty secret is that the firearms industry isn't that rich or powerful, its actually quite small. The huge number of concerned citizens, the money they give, and the organizations that represent them are the reason why we have groups that have the power to help preserve our rights.
bogie, you are right.

Why can't the media put .01% of their effort looking at the true influences on law makers and the court. I would like to see a breakdown of lobby organizations, the money they take in and spend, and the number of members. Then compare the constitutional standing they have.
I am the gun lobby.

I belong to the NRA.
I write, call, and meet with my elected officials re: gun rights.
I am an active shooter.
I write letters to the editor re: gun rights and overbearing government.
I support the shooting industry as a consumer.
I try to be a good ambassador for the RKBA.
GUN LOBBY===People who write and call there law makers asking them to support there point of view---!
Yep==Thats me !
I see nothing wrong with that ...
The gun lobby is thee and me. As Tam so memorably put it, the bought-and-paid-for minions who throw around the term "gun lobby" have been playing on astroturf so long they don't recognize grass roots even when someone feeds 'em a mouthful.
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