I support Joe Biden

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Can you provide a summary? Length? Some of us have limited bandwidth, so it's nice to be able to assess what you're asking us to invest the time in rather than a drive-by link drop with no other info.
Joe basically said that even if their restrictive gun laws are passed there is no guarantee that mass shootings will be stopped, or even that the death rate from shootings will drastically drop. He failed to say whether disarming the American public would lower the homicide rate from hammers and clubs or if fewer children would be killed in drownings or school bus crashes.

I believe he inadvertently told the truth, which is that human behavior, whether legal or illegal, is not determined by Washington D.C. or state capitols, but from within the hearts of the individuals. True religion, which is religion that teaches love and hope for your fellow man, and a moral code that teaches that each is to be responsible for himself and his neighbor is the only way to stop these crimes against humanity. I would include reducing a man to a defenseless nature as a crime against humanity.
This has been discussed in threads recently. Yep, Biden's mouth isn't always an asset for him, but he is a formidable opponent.

Keep up the emails, the letters, and the phone calls. It's not over yet.
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