I want this guy for a pilot

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Hahaha - Paul - this is one mega popular file - going the rounds again.

Many have not seen it but - many have too - in fact a very recent post gave the link too - no matter - it's one worth seeing (hearing to be precise)! I'll leave this stand awhile because I have not got the link to other thread on hand.
Dang it....I even looked around to see if it had already been posted.

It IS funny though.... :p
It's not new to me, but it does always bring a smile to my face.

My only objection is the reference to the power of the firearms, which includes a .22!
Always worth hearing again....

Having flown Southwest Airlines many times over the last few years, I've come to EXPECT something like this on one of their flights.

They must send some of the crew to comedy school or something. ;)
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