If you act like a serf..then you're a serf...

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Great Job Jeff

I agree, people need to be involved. We don't get the government we want, but what we deserve.
About using the net. Thomans Payne start the first American Revolution rolling with this boklet "Common Sense". And wasn't it Ben Franklik who said take away all of the bill of rights except for the 1st amendment and I'll get the rest back.

The real problem here is that we have too many people wanting the easy way out of things. This country was build on hard work and innovation, today these are the things that are in short supply.
I'm off my soap box now.

Rich, so true, I was called for jury duty, what a pain. Being a self-employeed, I just can't say hey I can't show up for who know how long because I'm sitting on a jury. As it turned out I wasn't needed.
Also, lawyers don't want professional people, they want people who are swayed by emotion not facts.
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