If you were an out of work actor....

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Feb 1, 2003
If you were an out of work (pro-gun) actor, not sure where your next peanut butter sandwich was coming from, and were offered a once-in-a-lifetime movie role that meant millions of dollars........(but the character you're asked to play is anti-gun).....what would you do?
I'd take the part, but blink out the 2nd amendment in Morse code with my eyelids.

they can take away our right to bear arms, but they can't take away our eyelids.
Yes of course. Follow your dream..If you're a good actor it won't matter what your personal feelings are ACT.
Ummmm... take the job? They'd find someone else to do it anyway. Hey, ya gotta eat.

Plus if it turns out well, you could use your new celebrity status to help the cause.
Silly me....I thought this was going to be something like "If you were an out of work actor like Alec Baldwin, would you do an NRA commercial with Ted Nugent?"..... :D

Real answer....if the pay was good, I'd play Rosie O'Donnell...in an improvised comedy, of course.... :evil:

(...and yes, I AM a fat, ugly, sweaty white guy. That makes me perfect for the part... :barf: )
Sure I would. The part you play's got nothing to do with who you are. People play cannibals, murderers, and rapists all the time - and ain't any of 'em in real life.
Of course I would take it, but I would donate 75% of my pay to pro-gun organizations. And as Mannix suggested, I would use my Leno time to help the cause.
If the directors and writers of a script are willing to cast a pro-gun actor in an anti-gun role... More power to you all.

Then, at the Premier, a convenient interview about your true beliefs about guns is let out.

I see nothing wrong with that. Like others have said, 'You've got to eat'.

It's ACTING.. Something most of the down to earth people really understand as being Entertainment, not Reality.

Live to fight another day (take the part). Once you are back in the public eye you could generate a lot of publicity. As others have said, it's ACTING. Nobody -really- believes that Anthony Hopkins endorses Hannibal Lecter's eating habits do they?
If nuts like Kiefer can play Jack Bauer....yeah you could take the job and do what you want with the $.
You betcha. I'd go underwater and pork fish if the money was right. Ummm...err..only female fish - I do have morals.

You just need to be careful of being typecast into the same kinds of roles forever after.

Ahhnnold was smart... had his contract written to include a comedy after every action movie, so he could avoid always being stuck in the "action" label. You would just need to be careful that you didnt play an anti so well that they constantly ask you to play antis in the future. :)
Oh No, say it isn't so.....does this mean 2nd amendment principles have a price and you become a hypocrite? When you start your second carrer as a pro-gun politician will your opponent call you a "flip-floppping waffler"?

I do like the part about eyelids and morse code. (heehee)

I don't know, John Wayne, Charlton Heston, or Tom Selleck never took a role as an anti-gunner.
I'd take the role, win the Academy Award, and during my acceptance speech announce that 1/2 the money I made is being donated to the NRA, GOA, JPFO, and a couple of others, call the representatives of these organizations up on the stage and hand them the checks on the spot!
I’d do it in a heartbeat. And I wouldn’t even have to be an out of work, down to my last dollar actor. It’s just acting, right?
But once the film was released and I received my million bucks, it would be a whole new ball game. I’d use the recognition I gained by playing that role to exploit the anti-gun idiocy that is rampant in Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general. I’d exploit it on every talk show I was invited on and in every magazine interview I did. I’d leave little doubt in anyone’s mind where I really stand on gun control. I might not ever get another role, but a lot more people would know my feelings about 2A than do now. And in the process I might even gain some converts. Besides, I’d have a million bucks.:D
There's an old saying in Hollywood. "Take the money and run."

Acting is nothing more than "make believe."

If you were an out of work (pro-gun) actor what would you do?

I'd stick out my electronic thumb and see the wonders of the universe on 32 arktarian dollars a day while knocking back pangalactic gargle blasters with my cousin, an earth man, a girl and a maniacally depressed robot. :D
Isn't it a mirror situation of the new guy who plays James Bond?

He's supposedly pretty anti.

Same as with a lot of anti actors who blaze away on screen.

The play's the thing.

The money you would spend on pro-gun stuff is only a small part of what Soros spends on anti-propaganda.

But it's a start, eh?
Sure I would. The part you play's got nothing to do with who you are. People play cannibals, murderers, and rapists all the time - and ain't any of 'em in real life.

This is ignoring the fact that most actors (the big name ones, at least) are, in fact, bad people, though. :) It's like saying "I mistreat my neighbors and servants, abuse the environment, take advantage of people in 'relationships', try to dictate my views to others, am completely self-centered and generally treat people as my inferiors - but I'm not a murderer or rapist, so I'm not all that bad.

Total cultural impact of a rapist/murderer/thief vs. that of someone like Alec Baldwin? It'd be a toss up, certainly.
this is totally absurd. Lets say I am an actor, and am asked to play a villan, say a rapist. The fact that I am morally against rape has nothing whatsoever to do with my willingness to portray a rapist. Do you think every actor they get to play Adolph Hitler desires to kill jews in his personal life?


A better question would be if you as an actor would take part in a 'Public Service Announcement' where they would pay to you say "Guns are bad, they should be illegal"
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