Illinois proposes tax on ammo to pay for trauma centers

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Mrs. Mariachi has a cousin who lives outside of Chicago----helluva great guy who's hosted us twice at his vacation house over by Apple Lake. He's very level headed, very pro 2A, despises what passes for politics-as-usual in Illinois......and does a few hours a week on one of Chi-Towns am talk radio shows. I'm gonna try to get a hold of him today and see if he's up for some good olde fashioned Anti 2A debating on the air with some of these polis who have made Chicago look almost as bad as D.C.......
It boggles the mind how many people in this thread are calling for taxes on things that are already taxed.

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How about taxing the families of people that shoot people and send them to the trauma centers
How about taxing the families of people that shoot people and send them to the trauma centers
How would that work, exactly? Would the family have to apply for a tax stamp before their relative shoots someone? Presumably it would be on a progressive distribution where the highest earners would bear the greatest burden for the stamp.

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A lot of anti gun BS has been proposed by Chicago dems in the past few weeks.

My take on it is that they are scared of CCW passing. They want bargaining chips on the table and input on the CCW law.

On another topic, guns (and thus discussions on guns) have become a very political topic. It's very difficult to discuss guns in-depth and not touch on politics. The last thing this particular forum needs is more "control".
Illinois proposes tax on ammo to pay for trauma centers

What they really mean.....

Illinois proposes tax on ammo to tax out of existence what they can't seem to legislate out of existence
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