I'm new to FALs and I need some advice.

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Oct 28, 2004
Reul Tuath
I am looking to buy an FAL and I don't want to get screwed. I have seen so many different configurations of parts/reciever/manufacturer that I'm going blind.

I don't want to get screwed and end up with a piece of junk. I'm looking for a decently relieable FAL that isn't going tocost me too much. I don't know if I'm being cheap, but I'd like to spend no more than $600.

Does CAI make a good FAL? What about reciever manufacturers? I have seen IMBEL, HESSE, and others and haven't really heard much about quality. I know that DSA makes a good FAL, but they cost a lot too.

I saw one that was a DSA parts kit on an IMBEL reciever that looked good.

Another that was a Hesse FAL-H.

Both were in my price range, but I really don't want to own a piece of junk. I'm not looking for a match grade target rifle, just a decent battle rifle that I can depend on.
Get the DSA, no question. Century is hit or miss, with a lot of misses, and as I understand it Hesse picks up the slack for the rest of the misses. DSA will treat you right.
Century stuff is some times good and sometimes not so good. However, the FAL is cake to play with. So you could save some $ and get a less expensive rifle, and then invest a bit here and their to bring it up to where you want it--if it needs it.

Ohio Rapid Fire does have a pretty good rep over on the falfiles.

I bought a kit and build my own. It is a very robust rifle and fun to shoot.

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