Individual right?

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That is my point. ONLY if we let them be. It is also demonstrably NOT what this country was founded on. Nor is it the ideal for the human condition. Nor do societies that fail to respect individual Rights last very long.

Every one of those statements is false. False philosophically and false historically.

And yes, "fungible" works as it denotes being traded away. Of course, if you can't use a dictionary it is no wonder you haven't a clue about anything else.

No, fungible connotes being exchangable in equal measure. Probably not what you meant.

Your knowledge-base is poor. Your language skills are poor. Your power of reasoning is poor. I dont see any reason to respond anymore. Thanks.
Hey, see that thin, dark ribbon, waaaaaay the hell up there on the mountain? Long way, huh? That'd be a heck of a climb, wouldn't it?

That's the High Road. You're supposed to be on it, folks.

Rev. DeadCorpse: Unlike some of the posters on this thread, I also have no illusions about how things will continue to be if we don't change our attitude.

The minute you start thinking your Rights are alienable and fungible, you give up half the argument.
I don't share your fear that acknowledging reality will make our resolve weaker. You're also way off basis in assuming people here (including The Rabbi) are unaware of the track we're on.

Here's your problem. You're missing The Rabbi's subtlty. This leads you to wrongly ascribe motive and beliefs to him without any basis. One of the things you're assuming without any basis is that The Rabbi has given up.

You're angry about the RKBA's problems. You want to lash out. However, you'd do better to take the time to try to understand his point rather than assume he's saying things he is not saying.
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