Internet sales???

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Nov 20, 2007
:confused:Are there any restrictions for a gun shop in Illinois to sell firearms on the internet if they go through all the appropiate channels such as shipping to an FFL? Any help would be appreciated I am trying to pass some advice on to a friend that wants to open a shop and start up internet sales.

If a person is a legal dealer and wants to sell only on line, it is ok. Legal dealer transalates to possession of a Federal Firearms License and all state license and permits. However, that person has to obey all Federal and State laws regarding the sale and shipment of the firearm.

Only stipulation is that if that dealer is located in Texas, they have to ship me the firearm for testing...:D

May take 6 months to a year for me to complete the tests, don't you know!!!!:rolleyes:
Thank you very much thats kind of what I assumed and he'll follow all laws applicable. Just trying to get an idea before hand I think was the goal. The only problem is with the testing of the firearms I think I will be the offical tester maybe you could be the QC guy. :)
As per ATF regs as I understand it you have to have a place of business and designated shop hours i.e. working out of your home with no one allowed to come pick up a firearm if needed wouldn't work. I was looking to do a similar thing but the local laws prohibit you from using a private home for running a business where people will come. I won't be able to do it as I would be violating that ordinance. (probably originally intended to eliminate "houses of ill repute" visited by all the Navy guys) I would have to have a place in an area zoned commercial.
This is one of those subjects that the anti-gun Libs can't seem to figure out.
Often, they claim that "anyone can buy guns over the Internet" with the intent of making it seem like kids and crazies can easily buy guns at will.

All gun sales from dealers in any state to individuals have to go through all the usual hoops that we all understand, and that's why it's so "easy" for an individual to buy from dealers (and even individuals) in other states.
But "easy" doesn't mean "at will" like the Libs like to think.

Now, is it "possible" for an individual to ship a gun to another person and not go through the FFL process?.. Yes, but the Federal penalties for doing so are so severe that no one could possibly be stupid enough to do so.
You would never know if you are being set up by a law agency whether you wanted to buy or sell because it's very possible, and even likely, that the person on the other end wears a badge.

So buy all the guns you want from anyone over the Internet because fulfilling the FFL legal transfer requirements is easy if you're not a felon and can pass the background check.
"Yes, but the Federal penalties for doing so are so severe that no one could possibly be stupid enough to do so."

Just like the penalties for Murder or making a straw purchase or selling to a felon. Thats why these things never happen.:rolleyes:

When contemplating the depths of stupidy it is best to remember that it is a bottomless pit.
When contemplating the depths of stupidy it is best to remember that it is a bottomless pit.

I've heard people joke about how "it's not against the law to be stupid".

Well actually, it is. Our jail system is chocked full of 'em.
He wants to open an actual shop but also particpate in internet sales. Really it is probably going to be a dream never realized. Never the less it seems that he should be good to go. I/he was particularlly wondering if Il state in general had any restrictions. Its amazing how shook up people get over the mention of internet firearm purchases, its as if they think that every dealer is going to risk a felony and just ship guns to every Tom Dick or Harry's house that has the money. Thanks for the responses guys I'll advice him of what I learned here and make sure he takes the proper steps before starting up this buisness venture.
Gun laws in Illinois are another whole can of worms especially up by ****cago.

I understand the Govenor will be looking for a new job.

He just needs to make sure he can legally operate the business from the location he chooses. It would probably require a few thousand dollar investment for gun safes and initial inventory but he could probably start the business if he expected it to take a few years before he could make a living at it. Getting the license is probably the easiest part.
Yeah thats what he is kind of planning on. He says that he has most of the legal stuff worked out for the shop itself when/if it ever opens. I tried to telll him just bring his whole famn damily down to Texas the weather and the laws are much nicer.
That's my plan. Texas is a great state.

That's a big "hell yea!".

I moved from St. Paul, MN to Houston in 1972 and never looked back.

My decision has been vindicated by noting that MN is the state that appears to want Al Franken as their Senator.
Appears being the operative word there huh? I moved here from Comifornia 4 yrs ago much to my delight. I just wish there was a little more public land to shoot on, but the ranges I go to aren't bad.
Before he drops lots of dough on inventory and such, he needs to get his FFL in line FIRST. A small shop that was going to open in PA signed a commercial lease, did all the permit stuff, dropped a bunch of money on inventory and sat closed for nearly a year. The partner that was going to set up the FFL never held up his end of the bargain and the partner that bankrolled the operation ended loosing tons of money and the long friendship was ended and the court case is still pending from what I understand......
I've always dreamed about opening up a gun store. However, making a go of it seems like it would be VERY difficult. When you consider the high overhead (rent, insurance, etc) and low markup, making it seems heavily dependant on volume and buliding volume takes lots of time and advertising.

You also have to have a fair amount of stock, and the right kind of stock. When you figure in what even a minimal stock would run, say 100 guns, several thousand rounds of various ammo, cases, tools, and general stock your looking at a very large investment. The only gun shops that I know of that really make anything are the large, well established ones that have been in business for years and have a loyal customer base. Speaking of stock, you have to have what people in your area want at the time. I don't even want to think of how many shops are sitting on a stock of hunting rifles they can't sell thanks to Obamania and the frenzy for EBR's.

I know a lot of people that run their FFL out of their home as a part time/retriree business and use their small profits to bankroll their hobby. They usually only have a minimal stock (if any) and make their money doing transfers and special orders. Most of them have the luxury of seemingly knowing everyone, and get most or all of their business by word of mouth.
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