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Jun 30, 2003
Intresting Article: The Emerging Marxist Latin American Axis of Evil

The Emerging Marxist Latin American Axis of Evil

By David Pyne on Jul 02, 2006

The United States may have won the Cold War against the Soviet Union, but Fidel Castro and his Marxist allies seem poised to win their Cold War against the United States in terms of both revolutionary and electoral Marxist takeovers of many of the nations of Latin America during the past decade. The Bush administration has been asleep at the helm of state and has done little or nothing to stop this dangerous trend to US national security right in its own "backyard" abandoning Ronald Reagan's successful policy of confronting, containing and even rolling back Communism in the Western Hemisphere during the 1980's.

This disturbing trend began when Marxists seized power in Brazil in October 2002. Their leader, Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva, ran for President four times at the head of a Communist coalition before finally getting elected President in 2002. Curiously, President Bush has taken a special interest in befriending Brazil’s Marxist president since his election meeting with him on several occasions. Bush’s decision to court Lula is questionable given the fact that Brazil has refused International Atomic Agency’s request for inspections of its nuclear sites in addition to the fact that Lula is the founder of the Forum de Sao Paulo, which is an organization where terrorists and Communist revolutionaries across the world have met annually since 1990 to coordinate anti-American policies. Brazil is believed by scientists to have nearly finished building a couple of atomic bombs in 1990 before dismantling them in 1994. Lula was elected in 2002 after making comments indicating his commitment to developing nuclear weapons. Since being elected, Lula has also formed a strategic partnership with Communist China which has been making substantial inroads of late in increasing its global influence across Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Over the past four years, Marxists have succeeded in taking power in Argentina, Urugway and Chile in addition to Venezuela where self-described Communist dictator, Hugo Chavez, wields power. Bolivia, where Marxist former coca-farmer Evo Morales has taken control, has also fallen into Castro’s orbit and aligned itself with its leftist neighbors. The members of this new Marxist alliance in Latin America have in turn allied itself with the Sino-Russian axis of nations, an unsavory alliance which includes such notorious rogue states and state sponsors of terror like North Korea and the Islamic Republic of Iran. This stunning triumph of socialist and Marxists in taking power in these countries through democratic means and in many cases with Cuban and Venezuelan assistance has set the stage for a new Latin America trade bloc and potential economic union to counter U.S. regional power. Fidel Castro’s revolutionary agents have finally succeeded in taking over Latin America right under the noses of the Bush administration after nearly half a century of trying.

Since taking office, the Bush administration has done virtually nothing to counter this unprecedented Marxist takeover of Latin America and has exhibited no resolve to enforce the Monroe Doctrine. Even Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas are once again poised for a potential return to power in the Nicaraguan presidential election set for November. These Marxist victories were only made possible because the Bush administration made the strategic error of ceasing to view Communism as a threat, inexplicably focusing instead on wasting America’s precious blood and treasure to prop up the newly elected, hard-line Iranian-proxy Shiite Islamist government in Iraq.

Interestingly, former Mexican Foreign Minister, Jose Castaneda, a former member of the Communist Party of Mexico himself, urged Mexican President Fox to “completely break” relations with Venezuela. He stated that Chavez is orchestrating a campaign throughout Latin America to interfere in the elections in Bolivia, Columbia, Mexico and Nicaragua.” On November 14th, Fox decided to follow Castaneda’s advice and broke diplomatic relations with Chavez in the wake of Chavez’s attacks on Fox as a “puppy dog of the American empire” for supporting Bush’s plans to economically integrate the nations of North and South America beginning with his Free Trade Area of the Americans (FTAA) agreement.

The election of ultra-left Marxist presidential candidate Lopez Obrador as President of Mexico in this weekend’s presidential election would mark a profound shift resulting in Mexico joining this newly developing Marxist alliance. The only benefit would be that it would likely throw a monkey-wrench into President Bush’s Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, which if fully implemented, would effectively abolish our national borders and economically and ultimately politically integrate the three nations of North America much like the European Union, giving up US sovereignty and independence in the process.

Former U.S. Marine H. Thomas Hayden has said that he believes conditions are ripe for collaborative efforts between this new Marxist alliance and other U.S. enemies, such as al-Queda – which is already suspected of receiving some assistance from the leftist, Marxist guerilla groups in Colombia. It has been previously reported by and other news outlets that Al Queda has infiltrated dozens if not hundreds of terrorists across the porous US border with Mexico, yet President Bush has done as little as politically possible to enhance US border security over four years after foreign nationals killed over 3,000 innocent American civilians in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Chavez’s support for anti-American terrorists in the Middle East and throughout Latin America is well known. Were Obrador elected President and were he to prove similarly supportive of terror, the United States could be presented with a state sponsor of terrorism on our own borders bringing the war on terror home in a way which has not been felt since Al Queda suicide bombers struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

A victory by Obrador might even force President Bush to accelerate a US withdrawal from Iraq even further to provide more troops to secure our borders against terrorist infiltration at a time when we are fighting a long-war against terror. His administration’s failure to do so nearly five years after September 11, 2001 is inexcusable.

This is the second installment of a special two-part series on threatening developments to the US in Latin America. Click here to read Part One-- “Will Mexico Lurch to the Left?”

Very intresting...
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