Intro to Advanced Tactics Class - Connecticut

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Apr 25, 2007
Introduction to Advanced Tactics $75.00 @ The Bridgeport Shooting Range in Connecticut on Saturday November 10th.

Visit link for more info and to register:

Intro to Advanced Tactics is an intense five hour course designed to introduce the shooter to the skills of advanced firearms handling or refresh prior training. This class consists of both classroom lecture and practical application during range exercises. In order to take this class the shooter should be proficient in the operation and controls of their firearm.

This class also serves as the prerequisite to other advanced classes, as it ensures students all have a working knowledge of advanced tactics before attending classes like Low Light Shooting, Use of Cover/Concealment & Weapon Retention, and more.

This is a 5 hour course - you must have a valid Pistol Permit from any state or LEO Credentials.

Topics Include:

Range Protocol
Drawing & Holstering
Different Shooting Positions
Weapon Malfunctions
Support Hand Operation
Equipment List:

Pistol or Revolver
3 magazines or speed loaders
A Sturdy strong side holster (must be able to work with one hand)
A sturdy Belt
Magazine pouch (a dual mag pouch is recommended but not required)
300 rounds of approved pistol ammo
Eye & Ear protection
Legal Pistol Permit from any state or LEO Credentials.
Pen & Paper
A baseball hat is recommended to keep brass from hitting your face, but not required.
What makes your course advanced? Since it's an advanced course, what prerequisites does the shooter have to have to get in?

This class is "Advanced" because is teaches skills above what we consider the basics.

In order to take this class you need to have your state pistol permit or Law Enforcement ID. This class is geared to be the next step after a pistol permit class. It gets the participant up to speed so they can take our other classes safely and it puts everyone on the same page. The student will learn about drawing, clearing malfuntions, range commands and some other skills.

This is a new program we are offering. We are trying to provide quality training that is affordable, and fits into peoples schedules. We have put together 5 courses in this series and it is growing slowley.

Thanks for the question

Thanks for the answer. There is a lot of confusion in the training community about what's advanced and what isn't.

Welcome to THR.

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