Islamic cartoons, merged multiple threads

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Can'thavenuthingood said:
How do you defend yourself against such people?

How about just tell Israel we will no longer back them in any darn thing. That would force them to nuke half the middle east...just to stay safe. Problem solved, NEXT....

Turn terrorists into Glass, currently showing on Discovery Channel. LOL
OK, here's a question:
Why did not the Danes & Norweigians break out the crew-served weapons and tear into the rioting scum? One belt-fed MG tended to by the gunner & A-gunner along with a few rifle-toting embassy guards would send a rock-chucking mob on its way.

If the local dictator then gets frisky, why, I'd say that would be pretext to bounce some rubble.

BTW, are not host gov't supposed to provide security for other governments' embassies?

Ok meplat... you seem to have misunderstood some things...

>The person I was responding to made it seem that he was placed in situations where he had to defend himself from physical harm.<

Yep... many have stories that feature such (I'm pagan, and have had several offers to "use me as firewood". I had those making the offers outgunned). I was just making an observation there...

>I don't want to use anyone as a "snowglobe", but I didn't bring it up, he did - thus placing it in the realm of pubic domain - and I was genuinely curious as what those experiences were.<

The "snowglobe" comment was aimed at a comment made on one of the first pages of the thread: someone asked if there where still followers of the Norse god Loki around. I said "yes, there are. I'm not 'cause I don't like my world being his snowglobe". Since I doubt that you're claiming to be said norse god (least i THINK you're not making that claim), the above don't make much sense...
Hunter Rose said:

*sighs* back to thee.

Ok meplat... you seem to have misunderstood some things...

Not the first time for that. Most likely won't be the last, as I will readily admit.

Yep... many have stories that feature such (I'm pagan, and have had several offers to "use me as firewood". I had those making the offers outgunned). I was just making an observation there...

Fair enough.

The "snowglobe" comment was aimed at a comment made on one of the first pages of the thread: someone asked if there where still followers of the Norse god Loki around. I said "yes, there are. I'm not 'cause I don't like my world being his snowglobe".

Once again, fair enough. Thank you for the clarification.

Since I doubt that you're claiming to be said norse god (least i THINK you're not making that claim), the above don't make much sense...

So terribly sorry for the misunderstanding and any inconvience it may have caused you. Since the post I was addressing consisted entirely of your quote from my post, and your responses to it, perhaps you can find it in your heart to understand how it may have been a touch confusing to me as to exactly what the point of said post was.

My ignorance of subject of Norse religious practices has been noted, and I plead guilty as charged.

Fair enough?
jfruser said:
OK, here's a question:
Why did not the Danes & Norweigians break out the crew-served weapons and tear into the rioting scum? One belt-fed MG tended to by the gunner & A-gunner along with a few rifle-toting embassy guards would send a rock-chucking mob on its way.
Because the embassies are not more than a floor in a office building. There is 5-6 diplomats and some civilian employees.
At the very least the embassies should have been rigged with claymores and with filing cabinets equipped to destroy the contents by remote control.

Norwegian embassy in Damaskus
From the cnn story on the Beirut embassy ( ) :
Initially, the army did not appear to be in control, but later deployed hundreds of troops in army personnel carriers to restore order. Police also fired tear gas to break up the protesters outside the embassy.

It's only a matter of time before somebody (or several somebodies) dies in this. Over a political cartoon!
It's only a matter of time before somebody (or several somebodies) dies in this. Over a political cartoon!

According to Josephus, hundreds died when Pilate brought the Imperial Eagles into Jerusalem. Certain religions are deathly afraid of pictures (or any other meme-carrying devices).

The funny thing is that the rules are never applied consistently. To be consistent, Muslims, Christians, and Jews should all ban TV from their own homes (graven images, you know). But somehow this always seems to mutate into banning OTHER people from looking at images.

If people actually believed their own religions, they would apply them to themselves. Unfortunately, they don't believe, but want other people to believe... leading to everything from genocide to crazy liquor laws. (Good thing the modern versions of Middle Eastern religions weren't around at Cana...)
Latest picture from London..

Reasonable people, huh? And they're arguing against freedom of speech?
And no, this isn't Photoshopped, it's off CNN.

BTW, I like the "your 3/11 is on its way". At least some of this sort are stupid.
Sindawe said:
Just wait until they find THIS! :what: :evil:

On second thought, I'll put the link over on APS.

I'm a Christian, I'm offended, but I don't want to kill anyone.
In fact, I can see the humor in it, it's a freaking cartoon.
There is nothing more spiritual than humor. It's one of the prime ways of transcending the ego. Naturally, a system built around behavior control, around rules and regs, is not going to like the subversive power of humor.
Sindawe said:
Time for kitty to have a dental cleaning. ( Don't laugh, it really happens. One of mine gets to go next week. Is she gonna be PISSED!)
Just don't take it to a Danish veterinarian.

They give the cat some drugs. Then, while cleaning the teeth, they show it pictures of YOUR SHOES wearing a turban and making bombs.

The cat will be like a sleeper cell on the way home, then will wake up to its mission of sh*tting in your shoes. It is revenge, served cold, infidel.


You think the rest of the non-Islamic world will now come to understand that George W. Bush was right. Can they see what would happen if Islamic nations, especially in the Middle East, obtain the ability to project military power either conventionally or with nuclear weapons? Naw, doubt it. The world loves to hate war, even when it is necessary. Little Denmark prints a one page cartoon in a newspaper that has a circulation of around 150k, and madness and mayhem leads to threats of violence and charred embassies.

The world can keep telling itself its a few 'extremists' and it is really all the US's fault. Hell, everything else seems to be. The normal Muslims, like the ones currently ruling whats left of Persia, are just peace loving people who would never pick up an AK and strap on a backpack full of C4. Nope, and even if they did the Europeans would never show any kind of appeasement to the forces of evil. Just remember Chamberlain's great rallying cry 'Peace at all costs'. It worked so well the first time.
Where was all of the "Islamic Outrage" when 2 airliners were flown into buildings in New York? They all say they don't condone violence.

Now they're outraged over cartoons?

Peace-loving butt.

Salmon Rushdie hit the nail on the head with these people....they just didn't want to hear it.

1. I am not a pagan, but Loki is my third cousin on my dad's side (as well as my second cousin on my mom's side, but I don't want to open up that can of worms).

2. During Gulf War One our local paper ran an AP photo of a U.S. soldier who had written: "Death to all who does not worship my savior," on his helmet. I clipped that photo and had it on my fridge for years because it so perfectly illustrated how little most Christians understand Christianity. This situation illustrates much the same about Isalm.

3. Nuking the middle east would be like cutting off the head to excise a mole. No leader of any country is even going to suggest anything so idiotic, thank goodness. That said...

How do you defend yourself against such people?
A minigun or ten might be a good start. I know I've just advocated not nuking the middle east, but mowing down a few thousand of these protesters when they attack an embassy seems to be a precision exicision of the cancer cells. One thing we know for sure about every one of the people protesting is that, like the Gulf War One veteren mentioned above, is that these people are dangerously misinformed about the nature of their religion. Unlike the GW1 vet with "Death to all who does not worship my savior" on his helmet (at least as far as we know), Muslims who are misinformed about their religion frequently kill many innocent people because of that misinformation. In my personal morality system, once these folks start attacking an embessy they become the enemy and should be dispatched as quickly as any other enemy.

I am of Irish ancestory.Yes, I felt sorry for the political-economic struggles of the Irish and also felt disgusted at the actions of the IRA.

yes, I felt saddened that we as a society watch the attacks on a Chechyn school house take place on TV.

Strange irony it will be if Hamas creates a political party with the same power as Sinn Fein (IRA's political arm).

Killing in the name of God (any God) is sadening....but not new.

The hypocrisy and thinly veiled religious hatred on this thread is something i hope the internet is magnifying. We are lost if this kind of madness is acceptable in polite society.

Right sentiment, wrong target. Take the show on the road to Damascus and Beirut and see how it plays there.

The cartoons are a milestone. Before we had tolerance, "understanding," and appeasement. Now we are moving into the De-Humanize the Enemy phase, the phase that grants permission to retaliate. The patience has worn thin. Rioters, beware.
have to wonder who is more sick: Someone who riots and carries insane placards over a cartoon, or someone who wants to respond to said rioting by killing millions of people. Here's a better idea: to avoid the stigma of using nukes, why don't we just invade and build gas chambers to kill all the same people your nukes would have killed, so that the land isn't poisoned beyond use?
I have wondered who is more sick someone you wants to kill you your entire family and destroy your way of life or the person who just wants to apologize for them. Someone who flees their own country to make a living because they can not in their own and then wants to turn the new country in to an exact copy of where they left or someone who just apologizes for them.

Which non-Muslim states have been invaded by Muslim states exactly?

I take it you are refering to the past couple of years, because historically there have been alot of them. The only reason it has not happened recently is because none of them have the military might to invade a country that's why they sponsor terrorism. How about this one when's the last time a group of non muslims moved to a muslim country and started attacking its citizens.

Where was all the "American outrage" when millions of people died in Chechnya? How about when the IRA was bombing London?

Americans did not kill anybody in Chechnya it was Russia, and it is a civil war and since chechnyans are fighting non muslims all over the world I am not so sure that Russia is not in the right and I do not believe there are millions dead. Britain and the IRA have been fighting for years and the USA has come down clearly against the IRA.
How about this one when's the last time a group of non muslims moved to a muslim country and started attacking its citizens.

Well, let's see: We have Russia and Chechnya, the Serb attacks on Kosovars and other parts of Bosnia, and two American led invasions (2001 and 2003) (though I don't agree that the US is attacking their citizens, even if some people here WANT that to happen).

Britain and the IRA have been fighting for years and the USA has come down clearly against the IRA.

But the government's hollow words don't mean anything, because if they did, then all Muslims would not support terrorism. All those middle eastern states claim to oppose it.

On the other hand, if you look at the money...the good ole' US of A was the source for IRA weapons and money for a long, long time. And it stopped when the IRA was "appeased" by giving its political party a guaranteed seat the table in Northern Ireland.

If some guy in England supports terrorism, why should some other guy in Lebanon have to answer for the Englishman's support? People are individuals, and should be held responsible as such.

The cartoons are a milestone. Before we had tolerance, "understanding," and appeasement. Now we are moving into the De-Humanize the Enemy phase, the phase that grants permission to retaliate. The patience has worn thin. Rioters, beware.

It's not just the rioters that have to beware. We have just as much to lose from this happening as they do.
How about just tell Israel we will no longer back them in any darn thing. That would force them to nuke half the middle east...just to stay safe. Problem solved, NEXT....

Turn terrorists into Glass, currently showing on Discovery Channel. LOL

I have to wonder who is more sick: Someone who riots and carries insane placards over a cartoon, or someone who wants to respond to said rioting by killing millions of people. Here's a better idea: to avoid the stigma of using nukes, why don't we just invade and build gas chambers to kill all the same people your nukes would have killed, so that the land isn't poisoned beyond use?

How efficient.

Nope, and even if they did the Europeans would never show any kind of appeasement to the forces of evil.

Uh, just who is being appeased? Hitler was invading neighboring states. Which non-Muslim states have been invaded by Muslim states exactly?

Where was all of the "Islamic Outrage" when 2 airliners were flown into buildings in New York? They all say they don't condone violence.

Where was all the "American outrage" when millions of people died in Chechnya? How about when the IRA was bombing London?

Yes, I know, you don't care about those places like you do America.

The hypocrisy and thinly veiled religious hatred on this thread is something i hope the internet is magnifying. We are lost if this kind of madness is acceptable in polite society.
shootinstudent said:
The hypocrisy and thinly veiled religious hatred on this thread is something i hope the internet is magnifying.
Be careful what you wish for - the internet seems to be an efficient way to magnify hypocrisy and hatred.
Paging Mac Davis...

Lobotomy Boy said:
2. During Gulf War One our local paper ran an AP photo of a U.S. soldier who had written: "Death to all who does not worship my savior," on his helmet. I clipped that photo and had it on my fridge for years because it so perfectly illustrated how little most Christians understand Christianity. This situation illustrates much the same about Isalm.
The above point implies much knowledge & experience on your part. I want to take a moment to catalog just how much knowledge & experience the above point would require a person to have. so perfectly illustrated how little most Christians understand Christianity.
1. Understands Christianity.
2. Have encountered at least 50% plus one (the minimum proportion implied by "most") and determined (by observation of, discussion with, or by some other means) that they have little understanding of Christianity. Certainly less than ones own.

This situation illustrates much the same about

3. Understands Islam.
4. Have encountered at least 50% plus one (the minimum proportion implied by "most") and determined (by observation of, discussion with, or by some other means) that they have little understanding of Islam. Certainly less than ones own.
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