James Bond at the range...Not!

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I would have been amused by his antics, to be sure, but I think I would have handled it differently. Hi Express had a BUG on the hip, plus the one he had in hand, I probably would have struck up a conversation and mentioned to 'Bond' that what he was doing could get him kicked off the range, and where he could practice his [Baba Louie voice]'Quicks Draw' [/Baba Louie voice] routine, if I knew one. (I do such things at my -in laws' farm :) ) Just for giggles, I might haveasked if he had a carry permit, as he was drawing from concealment. ;)

Odd as the fellow seemed, perhaps HiExpress could have found a new shooting buddy, helped a newbie out, and put out the positive image all in one fell swoop. My .02.
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