Jane Fonda Film Banned

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I'm too young to know much about anything in the Vietnam War. I have heard many sides. Some even saying many of our soldiers were killed by our own men, but I wasn't there so I can't say. It may have happened and maybe only once, but I don't know.

As far as her movie: I probably won't see it cause I don't like J. Lo. I've never seen anything with Jane Fonda in it so can't say. Maybe I've never seen anything of hers cause my dad doesn't like her :scrutiny: .

If she hasn't apologized then I would have to say she is stupid and was probably just being young and rebelious, but I never went through that phase so I don't know.

Also I know she would be considered guilty by association, but my question is did she shoot anyone down?

unless I'm mistaken, ritual seppuku requires a buddy to deliver the coup de gras with the katana to the back of the neck after the tanto has been inserted the hard way into the torso and twisted.

so who's up for the "buddy" posistion? :evil:

The second is also there in case the person’s will falters. Perhaps we could hold a fundraising auction or lottery for that job? :D
Also I know she would be considered guilty by association, but my question is did she shoot anyone down?

I think the bigger issue, than her being anti-war, is that she took a trip to North Vietnam, while the Americans were fighting, and pledged her support the N.V., and got her picture taken on an anti-aircraft gun, while applauding the crew that was shooting down Americans.

Other than that, I took my daily trip over to DU. Much like anytime a new law pops up, we accuse the gov't of moving one step closer to some sort of dictatorial state, they think the same way about this issue. That private movie theatre owners choosing what they will play is sending us into a facist state.
"Grand" Inquisitor, fogman, et al:

I can't forget, and I won't forgive. Virtually no one who sacrificed their blood and their boyish laughter in SEA can or will.

Easy to pontificate about "getting over it" or say "what about My Lai" when your 'experience' of the war was in front of a television set three thousand-odd miles away. Unless you've actually "been to see the Elephant", you don't have the smallest hint of a clue of what it's really about. Vicarious impressions drawn from books and movies may allow you to bask in the fine self-righteous glow of detached moral superiority, but you'll never know what you would do, say, or feel in that situation until you've really faced it.

Save your breath. Those among us who were there bought the rights to a valid opinion, and paid cash. This is another case where the democratic fallacy that anyone's opinion is just as good as any other doesn't apply.
When I was at Ft. Knox in the early 80's, the folks in Radcliff and E-Town sincerely appreciated the military (unlike some bases, where the locals saw soldiers as "marks".)

Glad to see that it is still the case there.
1st Cav dittoes here

Sorry, all of you folks that missed the big SEA show will have a hard time understanding the feelings we hold about her. You are all entitled to your philisophical point of view, whatever it is but ...

When you are body bagging friends on a daily basis and her face shows up in the newspapers sitting on your enemy's AAA laughing and applauding their efforts, you kind of find it hard to forgive and forget. For many of us it is far more than a philisophical exercise.

It ain't exactly like gettin' over your neighbor's dog crapping on your lawn.

Besides, before you can forgive you have to see true regret. Her only expressed regret to date is that she allowed herself to be photographed.

I go back to my original premise, Fonda peaked in Barbarella and went downhill rapidly ever since.

And FWIW this is gun related since we have a picture of her on a gun, right?
As a Vietnam Vet I can never look at Fonda without a sense of disdain
for her, I will not try to justify my feelings, simply don't think it would
come out logical however the feeling will be with me always. :(
I am pretty forgiving, but I do not understand the argument that anyone should be forgiven for anything. Especially if that person has not changed or apologized.
My wife and I were watching tv when we saw some out takes in the ad for this movie- I mentioned that it looked like it might be a funny movie to see except for the fact that I won't watch anything with Hanoi Jane in it- I know that some think that it was a long time ago, and somehow that the passing of time makes a difference- my response is, "no, it was only a moment ago"-
Red Jane -- a political litmus test

Well, I had fellow Vietnam-Vet friends who did some real hard time in the Hanoi Hilton, thanks to Jane and all her naive-pacifist-dupe pals.

I KNOW what my friends went through -- mentally and physically -- in no small measure because of her traitorous, reprehensible actions. To this day, I'll walk out of any theatre or room where anything with her in it is playing.

Some argue that she was just exercising her 1st Amendment rights. Accordingly, my 1-A rights allow me -- no, compell me -- to boycott and shun her... and exercise considerable disdain for those who fail to join me.

I find that those who fail to understand the incandescant hatred most Viet Vets have for her have little knowledge of political and military history. For them, a few hours watching certain documentaries on the History and the Military Channels are prescribed... in lieu of feminized sit-coms, soap operas, and "West Wing" indoctrinational clap-trap.

She's an unredeemable pariah and must always be treated as such.

Case closed.
This article has brought back flowing memories from a time long ago. I lost several friends in the war. I often think of them with a smile on my face. My eyes sometimes swell with tears from our childhood days when we spent the summers having fun, as many boys do.
Now I spend an occational summer day at the Wall touching their names with tears in my eyes, and a pain that will haunt me to my grave.
The world was different then, with a different sense of worth. If you did not live in that era, you will never know the meaning by words alone.
Hanoi Jane sat in an enemy's gun placement and acted like she was shooting down my friends, some grieving mother's son, some father that his son will never know, a brother's love will never be seperated by death, some God sent pal that you grew up with, that shared every momement of my childhood with, a father that misses his son so dearly that he drops to his knees in tears everytime he looks at a little league picture of his son, a mother momories of her son's first prom date in an old family car, the neighbor's mother wiping her son's tears after he feel of his roller skates, and the list goes on and on forever.
My God...the war has horror enough...why would anyone hurt the people left behind anymore by sitting in a gun placement acting like she was shooting down our loved ones? Why would anyone give aid to our enemy, but talk such horrible lies about our loved ones?
Forget? Forgive? I'm getting pretty old now. My days are probably numbered. If I haven't forgotten or forgiven by now, don't count on it happening anytime soon.
God bless those of us left behind that still carry the tourch. God bless you.
Hey, Malone! Her movie is doing well, huh? Just think what it would do if she wasn't a known unprosecuted traitor.

Sorry, Jane, but opposing a war is fine. But that's not where you stopped. Aiding and abetting the enemy is the constitutional definition of treason and that is exactly what you did.
Before all you "forgivers" decide that you are somehow taking the moral high ground over those of us who would throw gas on her if she were on fire, consider the heated emotions displayed a few days ago by the Veteran who spit on her at her book-signing, and this Kentucky businessman who boycotts her film at the risk of losing revenue, as well as the emotional responses here on THR. Ask yourself exactly why such emotions run so deep. If you can't answer, then you'll never get it.

I was in "Nam in '65.

If Hanoi Jane thought that all was forgotten, then why did she give an apology right before her book and movie came out?

Guilty conscious? You bet!! But she will never admit it.

"Ritual seppuku requires a buddy to deliver the coup de gras with the katana to the back of the neck after the tanto has been inserted the hard way into the torso and twisted", this sounds too good for her.

I think that an apology from her at this point in time is too little, too late.
Mainmech, et al:

If you think I have aligned myself with The Grand Inquisitor, I would request you to read my post again. I, too, have bought the rights to my opinion, and my experience of that war is not vicarious. I am a proud veteran myself and am privileged to work with, around, and for veterans every day.

Jane Fonda is lower than a flatworm; she deserves no one's forgiveness, ever. I'm sure she views her actions as a dumb career move, and no more. Myself, I dislike having to share the atmosphere with her.

Rant over. I agree with 4th Horseman entirely; he is far more eloquent than I.

The Vietnam war is long over, but the wars for South east Asia are long from gone - gone from out memories, our thoughts,and our bodies. Whatever Jane Fonda did, it is entitely insignificant now.

I can't envision how any statement might be more incorrect.
Armabill stated:

"If Hanoi Jane thought that all was forgotten, then why did she give an apology right before her book and movie came out?

Guilty conscious? You bet!! But she will never admit it."

I do not believe this to be the case. I believe that she only makes a statement that is a minimal appology because she knows that MANY still believe her to be a traitor and that image will negatively impact the financial of whatever business venture she is currently involved in - such as her recent book or movie.

I do not believe that she feels guilty about anything. She is just another greedy person with money who wants more money and denies accountability for what she has done. She feels no remorse at what she has done, only remorse that it has negative impact in some ways in her life. Kind of like the murderer who does not regret his murdering someone, just his regret of getting caught and now facing a penalty for what was done.

She is a TRAITOR and should be charged as such.
Grand Inquisitor should do much more research on the subject before making comments that vaguely resemble the actual facts.
America did not invade South Vietnam and was prohibited from invading North Vietnam ,and ending the war, by the politics of the world at the time.

I have been to SVN , on the delta,in recent years, the people still remember and appreciate what our solldiers did for them. It was very important to them that I knew their ranks and service history. Many asked about old friends some still had pieces and parts of uniforms and memorabilia hidden, at great risk to their freedom and well being.
Doesn't sound like they have forgotten

If Hanoi Jane thought that all was forgotten, then why did she give an apology right before her book and movie came out
The same reason she issued her pseudo apology on 60 Minutes, or some such show, last time. She only does it when she needs to promote something.

Does anyone else here see the ironic hypocrisy of protesting a war by sitting on the enemy's war machine or naming your child after an enemy assassin that attempted to kill an American ambassador
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sfhogman: My sincere apologies. In mitigation, I was overwrought when I failed to see the question mark at the end of your lead sentence. When an old wound is opened, unpleasant things can come out. Very sorry for splashing you in the process.

The day I first saw that infamous photo, we were patching up the boat after a particularly hairy night patrol in which we lost two shipmates, one KIA and one to serious wounds. That image is inextricably woven into the feelings that flashed through me when I read "Inquisitor's" post.
My wife and I were out to see a movie tonight, and she got us tickets to the Jane Fonda movie. I told her what she did (We're both young but I previously read this thread) and made her change the show. Watched the Interpreter instead. I won't support this woman at all costs.
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