Joyce Foundation

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Jan 8, 2003
In the recent edition of 1st Freedom there is a mention of the Joyce Foundation and their contribution to anti-gun programs. I decided to check them out.
A truly Liberal organization, I found the following under applying for a grant toward anti-gun programs.

Do you fund educational programs in violence prevention? We generally do not fund such programs.

Do you fund programs related to crime and criminal justice? We seek to address gun violence as a public health issue, looking for strategies that can reduce the toll of deaths and injuries from firearms. We don’t generally fund projects specifically focusing on crime.

Given your focus on the Great Lakes region, do you make grants to national organizations? Grants to national organizations must be for projects that promise to have a significant impact on the Great Lakes region.

Do you fund research? We fund research that is likely to have a strong impact on public policy.

Do you fund government agencies and programs? We generally make grants only to nonprofit organizations.

Do you fund state or local gun violence prevention initiatives outside the Midwest? No.

Do you fund grassroots organizations in the Midwest? We fund such groups only for projects we consider likely to have a substantial impact on public policy.

Please tell me more about your focus on public policy. We focus our grantmaking on initiatives that promise to have an influence on public policies. That includes advancing the public debate about important policy issues, most notably the need for federal consumer product health and safety standards for the firearm industry. We believe such policy initiatives can lead to broad, systemic changes that affect the most people over the long run.

Do you provide general operating support, or must we apply for specific project funds? We generally fund projects, but we also occasionally provide general operating support.


The first two statements are truly amazing.
They have no interest in providing for programs to prevent violence and crime.

I guess its okay to be killed or injured by anything but a gun.

Under what rock do these people continue to emerge?
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