Just a good read

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Sniper X

Jan 3, 2007
New Mexico
Not really gun related per se', but No more gun related. Copied from another site where motorcyclists meet.

An open letter to the United Kingdom


Dear UK,

What happened to you? When Germany threatened to bomb you out of existence, you cowboyed up and took to the shelters. You drank flasks of tea, sang ribald songs about Hitler, and pretty much won the spiritual war before the bad guys knew what hit them.

You died on the fences in Flanders in WWI; in WWII you ran operations behind enemy lines all over Europe that are still the stuff of conversation in military circles. Your bravery and fortitude were never in doubt.

You were once the greatest naval power in the world.

You were once a tiny island that extended its colonial reach to the farthest corners of the earth.

I came here to practice medicine at the invitation of the National Health Service. I see 30 - 40 of your post-war generation all day, every day. I see little but passive aggression and entitlement. I see statutory sick pay that has people going on extended sick leave because they "can't cope" (that's an actual NHS diagnosis by the way). I see people too cowed to ask their surgeons what body parts were removed during an operation. I see a generation of drones that will very likely never again rise to the occasion.

I see a small percentage of your elderly every day too. They are proud, vibrant people, brimming over with dignity. They often apologise for troubling me with their complaints since surely I have better things to do with truly sick people. They often have congestive heart failure, undiagnosed cancers, severe peripheral vascular disease. They don't weep when I give them bad news. They don't ask for special accommodation. They are as tough as hammered steel. They are the WWII generation.

The Flower of England is no longer your "yoof". It is your elderly. They are the standard bearers of what Britain once was. Once they are gone, in the next 10 years or so, you will be left with your weakness, your ineffectualism, your endless apathy that encourages the nanny state in which you live. You can't even dredge up the sincerity to vote in a decent government.

I'm contractually bound to be here until May 1st. When the clock runs out, I'll leave. I won't be back.

I'll sit in the US, which you often revile, and I'll know that as imperfect as it is, I'll be better off than you will ever be. You can sit on your beknighted little hunk of rock and descend into the quagmire of rules and regulations you've created.

Europe is better than you. The US is better than you. Whatever you were once, you are not now. You are little more than a convenient place to stop on the way to other places.

The United Kingdom. The irony practically writes itself.

Sad but true....
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