Just when you thought you've heard it all...

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May 26, 2004
Report: Ammo easy to find in N.J.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Gannett State Bureau

Guns may be tough to come by legally in New Jersey but not their ammo, which is trafficked in what a state investigative commission today called an "unregulated bazaar" that it wants covered by new state laws.

"It is patently ridiculous, shocking even," the State Commission of Investigation stated in a report titled "Armed and Dangerous."

The report chronicled incidents that did not represent illegality, SCI said, but everyday, legal sales whereby a purchaser could be a convicted felon, a member of a gang, someone mentally unstable or even a suspected terrorist.

This transpires, said SCI, "at the very moment we are struggling to come to grips with a rising tide of gang violence."

The SCI report said ammunition can be legally sold to people who, because of their records, are barred from owning guns.

The SCI wants that reversed, saying the only people who should be allowed to purchase ammunition would be those possessing a license to own a weapon that would be suitable for that ammunition.

The reports also suggests, among other ideas, boosting fees for firearms licenses and to dedicate that new money to the State Police firearms investigation unit.

The SCI, begun in 1968, takes broad looks at the law-and-order scene in New Jersey, then advises the state Legislature on what laws might be needed.


Even more craziness now coming from my wonderful home state. The best part of the article is the part where they say no one should be able to buy ammo unless they have a license for a firearm of that particular type. HELLO there are no "firearm licenses" in NJ. The only thing close is an FID card that allows you to purchase any rifle or shotgun that you want. There is no such thing as a license for a pistol at all....just a permit to PURCHASE that you don't even need just to OWN or POSSESS. WOW! :banghead:
:barf: :barf: :barf:

"... terrorists could use this / do this."

"... protect the children."

"Gang violence"

"... Drug dealer..."

"... sexual predator."

It is like being at the jewelry store and your girl says that a particular peice is "Just wonderful..." Just haul out your check book...

That is what .gov reminds me of these days. You can tell what kind of brainless crap they are about to say by the subsect that they mention, as above.


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