Katey's Firearms Facts

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Jul 12, 2005
Calgary, near Rocky Mountains - Canada


Her father is currently being railroaded, he's challenging the Firearms Act. The gov't actually confiscated his house so that he can't mortgage it to continue his challenge. (Hooray for drug laws allowing property to be confiscated).

For Immediate Release
January 6, 2007

"Katey's Firearms Facts" film released

Katey Montague, the daughter of Bruce and Donna Montague, has
released her first short film, titled "Katey's Firearms Facts" on the
video-sharing service YouTube.com.

After researching some of the more ludicrous bungles by the CFC,
Katey relates her findings in her own funny and engaging style.

Katey has acted in Dryden's theatre scene for years. It only took
the smallest encouragement from family friend Christopher di Armani
to get Katey started in her first film project.

Given Katey's lineage, it is not surprising that she shares her
parents' passion for the truth.

Once she saw how fun making her own movie was, Katey decided to
launch her own YouTube channel to showcase her acting talent and her
views on Canada's Firearms Act and self-defense.

The first four video vignettes, which take a refreshing view of
self-defense, have also been released on YouTube.com.

To view Katey's film debut and her short videos, please visit her
very own channel on YouTube:


Katey Montague encourages everyone to view and rate her videos today!


Yours in Liberty,

Christopher di Armani
[email protected]

Licensing law-abiding gun owners CANNOT stop criminals (law-breakers by definition) from killing people.
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