Kyrsten Sinema response re gun legislation

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Blather that means “gun control” not criminal control, or repeat offender control, or real prison sentences, or...

Anyone else think that guy said way too many words just to hide the his real agenda? I think we need a limit on political words, kind of like a magazine restriction. Perhaps limit their ability to assault us with words, kind of like a restriction on certain types of guns that fire a certain way. Instead of “assault weapon” firing his mouth off maybe a restriction that only allows 10 words per minute...or less

That’ll be the day...
The Second Amendment protects our fundamental rights as Americans, and I support those rights. I also believe there are commonsense actions we can take to increase safety and prevent needless deaths. I

This is the same kind of drivel that I got from Chuck shumer. He also speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
Just to put this in perspective, Sinema is the least "progressive" Democrat in the Senate, according to her voting record. That means she's less "progressive" than even Joe Manchin or Jon Tester. These three are likely to vote in favor of gun rights if push comes to shove. (Just look at the states they come from!)
If a person is really a threat to him/herself or others, why not just use existing laws and commit him/her involuntarily?

Because it takes more time for a court to make that determination, whereas an "emergency protective order" can be sought and obtained on the spot, just as they are for incidences of domestic violence, etc. Of course, I'm not endorsing these things. Just stating the reasoning.

Also, circling back to voluntary mental health assistance: The unintended effect of this trend to deem anyone "crazy" a threat, is that I'd personally never seek out any sort of mental health services, even for seemingly innocuous things (like maybe insomnia), because I would not want that used against me at a later date as leverage to take my guns under an EPO aka "red flag". This isn't what lawmakers had in mind, I'm sure. But since my state is trying to further expand "red flag" to include teachers/employers/employees as valid reporters, I'm not going to take unnecessary chances and help that process along.
That's just what we need, a pissed off neighbor turning in the person next door because he put his trash to close to the property line to suit them. A wife pissed at her husband, a husband pissed at his wife, the neighborhood do-gooder just being them selves....and once you have been accused, who makes the decision about you? Bureaucrats?
You’re exactly right. Once you’re accused you’re considered guilty. When it comes to the general public and social media one has to question who is mentally ill? Talk about loss of freedom of speech, the red flag laws are a nightmare for individual freedoms in America.
That's just what we need, a pissed off neighbor turning in the person next door because he put his trash to close to the property line to suit them. A wife pissed at her husband,....and once you have been accused, who makes the decision about you? Bureaucrats?

It was,probably, an ex wife that caused something like this to happen to a fellow named John Lawmaster down in Tulsa about 30 years ago.He was a serious gun collector and had a big collection.
The classic "anonymous tip" to the ATF,(no "E" back then...) a sealed warrant, served while he wasn't home, and after the place was searched,and guns left all over the place, a note was left. "Nothing found,ATF" was what was always told that it said.
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